Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
This thread is on point. The problem in my eyes is way to many of our smart people go into medicine and law because those fields pay more. Start paying engineers what they are worth and you will see more smart Americans going into those fields.

Seriously, how much good can a smart American do in law? Most of the work they do actually hurts the country.

Could you imagine if Kirby went into law? We would all be missing something.

This thread is on point. The problem in my eyes is way to many of our smart people go into medicine and law because those fields pay more. Start paying engineers what they are worth and you will see more smart Americans going into those fields.

Seriously, how much good can a smart American do in law? Most of the work they do actually hurts the country.

Could you imagine if Kirby went into law? We would all be missing something.

Good shit here.

I’m about to get on my engineering soapbox…

BLUF: Engineers need a board of certification like Medical Doctors, Lawyers, and CPAs… PE is not effective as the demand pull is too weak.

I’ve said for years that degreed engineers need a certification board before they can “practice” as engineers… About 20 years ago I was a young and green electrical engineer working for a Tier 3 defense contractor. There was this senior guy that worked there and he called himself a “Senior Systems Engineer.” By today’s standards in the defense industry this means the person typically has either a ME or EE undergrad (maybe a Mastsrs in some engineering field) and has extensive real world experience in design, requirements definition, prototyping, manufacturing, test, and fielding of “widgets” or systems. They usually have experience leading teams of multi-disciplinary engineers and technicians, and have years of experience working on multiple designs they’ve seen through delivery. To be a Senior Systems Engineer is quite an accomplishment in an engineering career - you’re dealing with someone that has all the answers or knows how to find the answers efficiently. Now.,, I find out after working with this guy for 3 years that he doesn’t have an engineering degree!! In fact, he has no college degree at all lol. He’s just been with the company for like 30+ years and I guess started calling himself an engineer. I’m talking business cards, email signatures, bosses calling him that etc. it fucking BLEW my mind. Now he was really good at his job, but he had no clue what it actually took to get through an undergraduate engineering program and obtain that piece of paper… He had no clue how to solve a differential equation. He had no clue what it felt like to be a 4.0 student in high school and be a 3.0 student in college (because he chose engineering). Hr had no idea about the shit show of a personal life a young person has while earning an engineering degree… No - he just calls himself an engineer…

It occurred to me then and still today - how many people out there call themselves “engineers” yet don’t have any clue about 3 fucking years of calculus-based physics, 3 fucking years of actual calculus, 3-4 fucking years of circuits/fluids/thermodynamics/, etc… Who has the fucking balls to call themselves an “engineer” without a degree in engineering? It’s like - can you imagine a medical doctor doing that shit?? Oh yeah I’m a doctor but don’t actually have a degree in medicine. Yeah I practice law but I don’t have a law degree. LULZ…

The reason why you never hear this shit is because those professions have certification requirements… Not only do they have to get a degree, but they then have to “pass their boards” before they can practice. This is why you can’t just call yourself a fucking a doctor… And as a result, their professions are “protected” by higher salaries and prestige. I wish the big brains of yesteryear had done this with engineering. Any asshole out there can apparently call themselves an engineer and nobody seems to give a shit.

Engineers do have the “Professional Engineer” (PE) option (and that is indeed a certification/licensure), but the problem is that it’s not required for the VAST majority of engineering jobs, unless you’re going into some sort of Civil Engineering field… Some MEs and EEs do pursue their PE, but it’s the rare exception..,, Maybe a power company has a staff of 400 electrical engineers where 1 or 2 will be EE PEs… The demand simply isn’t there for engineers to be PEs, and as a result - engineers don’t put themselves through the years-long ass pain of a process to get a license that they’ll never need.

What they should have done is make the PE mandatory for ALL engineering jobs. Not only would that protect the term “engineer” but it would also preserve that higher salary and pull more smart kids into the field away from medicine and law. Really the only draw is passion at this point… Money is good and it’s not a bad career to get into financially, but the salaries are stagnant and seem to not keep up with inflation and COLA the way those other professions do. You literally have to job hop to keep up. And it’s hard to recruit college grads when you can only offer them $65K-$75K but a house costs $600K and rents are over $2000 a month. Even if you can get them started much higher, most top out at $150K-ish unless you go into some sort of leadership position.

Engineers have been left behind to some degree because the title has lost its prestige. I try every day and every chance I get to bolster the profession and bring honor to it. I now publicly call out people calling themselves engineers without a degree. I tend to use the term “degreed engineer” more often than simply “engineer”. The first question I have for any engineer I first meet is “what school did you go to and what flavor of engineer are you?” It’s frustrating HOW OFTEN some fucking biology major or some physics major calls themself an engineer. It’s rampant and it fucking sucks…

I’m all in on changing the status quo - we need engineering to become prestigious once again. Our nation needs it immediately.


Hope this helps.
Good shit here.

I’m about to get on my engineering soapbox…

BLUF: Engineers need a board of certification like Medical Doctors, Lawyers, and CPAs… PE is not effective as the demand pull is too weak.

I’ve said for years that degreed engineers need a certification board before they can “practice” as engineers… About 20 years ago I was a young and green electrical engineer working for a Tier 3 defense contractor. There was this senior guy that worked there and he called himself a “Senior Systems Engineer.” By today’s standards in the defense industry this means the person typically has either a ME or EE undergrad (maybe a Mastsrs in some engineering field) and has extensive real world experience in design, requirements definition, prototyping, manufacturing, test, and fielding of “widgets” or systems. They usually have experience leading teams of multi-disciplinary engineers and technicians, and have years of experience working on multiple designs they’ve seen through delivery. To be a Senior Systems Engineer is quite an accomplishment in an engineering career - you’re dealing with someone that has all the answers or knows how to find the answers efficiently. Now.,, I find out after working with this guy for 3 years that he doesn’t have an engineering degree!! In fact, he has no college degree at all lol. He’s just been with the company for like 30+ years and I guess started calling himself an engineer. I’m talking business cards, email signatures, bosses calling him that etc. it fucking BLEW my mind. Now he was really good at his job, but he had no clue what it actually took to get through an undergraduate engineering program and obtain that piece of paper… He had no clue how to solve a differential equation. He had no clue what it felt like to be a 4.0 student in high school and be a 3.0 student in college (because he chose engineering). Hr had no idea about the shit show of a personal life a young person has while earning an engineering degree… No - he just calls himself an engineer…

It occurred to me then and still today - how many people out there call themselves “engineers” yet don’t have any clue about 3 fucking years of calculus-based physics, 3 fucking years of actual calculus, 3-4 fucking years of circuits/fluids/thermodynamics/, etc… Who has the fucking balls to call themselves an “engineer” without a degree in engineering? It’s like - can you imagine a medical doctor doing that shit?? Oh yeah I’m a doctor but don’t actually have a degree in medicine. Yeah I practice law but I don’t have a law degree. LULZ…

The reason why you never hear this shit is because those professions have certification requirements… Not only do they have to get a degree, but they then have to “pass their boards” before they can practice. This is why you can’t just call yourself a fucking a doctor… And as a result, their professions are “protected” by higher salaries and prestige. I wish the big brains of yesteryear had done this with engineering. Any asshole out there can apparently call themselves an engineer and nobody seems to give a shit.

Engineers do have the “Professional Engineer” (PE) option (and that is indeed a certification/licensure), but the problem is that it’s not required for the VAST majority of engineering jobs, unless you’re going into some sort of Civil Engineering field… Some MEs and EEs do pursue their PE, but it’s the rare exception..,, Maybe a power company has a staff of 400 electrical engineers where 1 or 2 will be EE PEs… The demand simply isn’t there for engineers to be PEs, and as a result - engineers don’t put themselves through the years-long ass pain of a process to get a license that they’ll never need.

What they should have done is make the PE mandatory for ALL engineering jobs. Not only would that protect the term “engineer” but it would also preserve that higher salary and pull more smart kids into the field away from medicine and law. Really the only draw is passion at this point… Money is good and it’s not a bad career to get into financially, but the salaries are stagnant and seem to not keep up with inflation and COLA the way those other professions do. You literally have to job hop to keep up. And it’s hard to recruit college grads when you can only offer them $65K-$75K but a house costs $600K and rents are over $2000 a month. Even if you can get them started much higher, most top out at $150K-ish unless you go into some sort of leadership position.

Engineers have been left behind to some degree because the title has lost its prestige. I try every day and every chance I get to bolster the profession and bring honor to it. I now publicly call out people calling themselves engineers without a degree. I tend to use the term “degreed engineer” more often than simply “engineer”. The first question I have for any engineer I first meet is “what school did you go to and what flavor of engineer are you?” It’s frustrating HOW OFTEN some fucking biology major or some physics major calls themself an engineer. It’s rampant and it fucking sucks…

I’m all in on changing the status quo - we need engineering to become prestigious once again. Our nation needs it immediately.


Hope this helps.
US Engineering companies farm out work now to Poland, India, etc. at a significant cost reduction. I liken it to engineering sweatshops without the cruel treatment.

The project is managed by discipline leads in the US as they coordinate on Teams, internet, etc. No telling how much this has reduced domestic engineering demand. Not to mention income tax revenue. Basically, the offshoring of engineering.
US Engineering companies farm out work now to Poland, India, etc. at a significant cost reduction. I liken it to engineering sweatshops without the cruel treatment.

The project is managed by discipline leads in the US as they coordinate on Teams, internet, etc. No telling how much this has reduced domestic engineering demand. Not to mention income tax revenue. Basically, the offshoring of engineering.
Companies used to be run by engineers. Now they are run by “program managers”…

Don’t need an engineering degree to be a “program manager.”

The system is jacked, and that’s why “smart kids” are flocking to other professions here in America. I’m really glad this is being talked about and that guys like Elon are chiming in…
International Man: As we approach the end of the year, let's take a step back, review the Big Picture, and assess 2024's major developments to better understand what may come next.

Before we drill down into specifics, what's your high-level view of what happened in 2024?

Doug Casey: Let's break it down into politics, economics, technology, and culture.

Politically, the election of Trump, against the will of the Elite, the Deep State, and the Establishment—they're pretty much the same thing—came as a surprise to me. I suspected they'd succeed in stealing the election. More important than the election of Trump, though, is the defeat of Kamala and the Jacobins of the Democrat Party.

That defeat is echoed by a reaction against the Left most everywhere. The leftist German government—it was starting to mimic the old East German regime—will hopefully be replaced with the AfD. The elitist Macron is on his way out in France, as is Trudeau in Canada. In Romania, the election of Georgescu (see our interview with him) is being fought tooth and nail by their Deep State, but I think he'll triumph. Hungary and Slovakia won't participate in the insane war in the Ukraine. There's a growing reaction against both war and Wokeism.

Regarding the economy, the average guy's standard of living is flat to descending, albeit propped up by debt. He's buried under mortgage debt, auto loans, student debt, and credit card debt. It is, to use a currently fashionable word, unsustainable like that of the government itself. On the bright side, the top 10%, and especially the top 1%, aided by a roaring stock market, are doing better than ever. Will it lead to a violent wave of resentment among the hoi polloi? When has it not?

Technologically, Artificial Intelligence finally came into its own in 2024. It's widely used, and scores of gigantic data centers, which consume gigantic amounts of power, are being built everywhere. AI itself is cause for huge optimism. But it also, almost inevitably, means there will be a renaissance of nuclear power; even Greens seem to recognize it.

Space exploration is advancing rapidly with the success of SpaceX, which has taken over from NASA, the Europeans, and the Chinese.

Culturally, it seems 2024 was the year of Peak Woke in the universities, media, and corporations. The idiotic bubble has finally burst. One sign of that was the delegitimization of mass media. Nobody trusts CNN, MSNBC, or any other networks. People increasingly get news from decentralized sources.

At the same time, there's a growing trend towards delegitimizing government in general, and the US government in particular. We saw this with the hurricane in North Carolina, where FEMA was not only unhelpful but counterproductive. And the hundreds of large drones floating around the Northeast at night. The government proved itself too incompetent to solve the mystery and too dishonest to discuss its findings, if any. Across the country, people have become pretty fed up with the old order.

So, except for the underlying rot in the economy, this is all good news.
US Engineering companies farm out work now to Poland, India, etc. at a significant cost reduction. I liken it to engineering sweatshops without the cruel treatment.

The project is managed by discipline leads in the US as they coordinate on Teams, internet, etc. No telling how much this has reduced domestic engineering demand. Not to mention income tax revenue. Basically, the offshoring of engineering.
That is illegal in Georgia at least in work that requires a PE stamp. You have to have personally managed the work on day by day basis. If you do not, we will take your license.

Try explaining to the board that you managed the design work that was done in Poland from the US on a daily basis. The board would skin you and take your license. They would have your ass if something went wrong with your project.
This thread is on point. The problem in my eyes is way to many of our smart people go into medicine and law because those fields pay more. Start paying engineers what they are worth and you will see more smart Americans going into those fields.

Seriously, how much good can a smart American do in law? Most of the work they do actually hurts the country.

Could you imagine if Kirby went into law? We would all be missing something.

Totally agree. Here’s a reddit thread on current tech recession. There’s available talent, or pay more to convince someone to jump ship to apple.
I wonder, do professional engineers swear like a sailor all the time?

You know, like how guys do in the trades, or in the military where every other word is an F bomb, or some such?

You'd think they'd actually learn real words that elucidate cogent thoughts instead of parochial high school dropouts.

You know... to show others how intelligent they really are?
I wonder, do professional engineers swear like a sailor all the time?

You know, like how guys do in the trades, or in the military where every other word is an F bomb, or some such?

You'd think they'd actually learn real words that elucidate cogent thoughts instead of parochial high school dropouts.

You know... to show others how intelligent they really are?
Liberals like to learn smart word to make their bullshit sound right;
Good shit here.

I’m about to get on my engineering soapbox…

BLUF: Engineers need a board of certification like Medical Doctors, Lawyers, and CPAs… PE is not effective as the demand pull is too weak.

I’ve said for years that degreed engineers need a certification board before they can “practice” as engineers… About 20 years ago I was a young and green electrical engineer working for a Tier 3 defense contractor. There was this senior guy that worked there and he called himself a “Senior Systems Engineer.” By today’s standards in the defense industry this means the person typically has either a ME or EE undergrad (maybe a Mastsrs in some engineering field) and has extensive real world experience in design, requirements definition, prototyping, manufacturing, test, and fielding of “widgets” or systems. They usually have experience leading teams of multi-disciplinary engineers and technicians, and have years of experience working on multiple designs they’ve seen through delivery. To be a Senior Systems Engineer is quite an accomplishment in an engineering career - you’re dealing with someone that has all the answers or knows how to find the answers efficiently. Now.,, I find out after working with this guy for 3 years that he doesn’t have an engineering degree!! In fact, he has no college degree at all lol. He’s just been with the company for like 30+ years and I guess started calling himself an engineer. I’m talking business cards, email signatures, bosses calling him that etc. it fucking BLEW my mind. Now he was really good at his job, but he had no clue what it actually took to get through an undergraduate engineering program and obtain that piece of paper… He had no clue how to solve a differential equation. He had no clue what it felt like to be a 4.0 student in high school and be a 3.0 student in college (because he chose engineering). Hr had no idea about the shit show of a personal life a young person has while earning an engineering degree… No - he just calls himself an engineer…

It occurred to me then and still today - how many people out there call themselves “engineers” yet don’t have any clue about 3 fucking years of calculus-based physics, 3 fucking years of actual calculus, 3-4 fucking years of circuits/fluids/thermodynamics/, etc… Who has the fucking balls to call themselves an “engineer” without a degree in engineering? It’s like - can you imagine a medical doctor doing that shit?? Oh yeah I’m a doctor but don’t actually have a degree in medicine. Yeah I practice law but I don’t have a law degree. LULZ…

The reason why you never hear this shit is because those professions have certification requirements… Not only do they have to get a degree, but they then have to “pass their boards” before they can practice. This is why you can’t just call yourself a fucking a doctor… And as a result, their professions are “protected” by higher salaries and prestige. I wish the big brains of yesteryear had done this with engineering. Any asshole out there can apparently call themselves an engineer and nobody seems to give a shit.

Engineers do have the “Professional Engineer” (PE) option (and that is indeed a certification/licensure), but the problem is that it’s not required for the VAST majority of engineering jobs, unless you’re going into some sort of Civil Engineering field… Some MEs and EEs do pursue their PE, but it’s the rare exception..,, Maybe a power company has a staff of 400 electrical engineers where 1 or 2 will be EE PEs… The demand simply isn’t there for engineers to be PEs, and as a result - engineers don’t put themselves through the years-long ass pain of a process to get a license that they’ll never need.

What they should have done is make the PE mandatory for ALL engineering jobs. Not only would that protect the term “engineer” but it would also preserve that higher salary and pull more smart kids into the field away from medicine and law. Really the only draw is passion at this point… Money is good and it’s not a bad career to get into financially, but the salaries are stagnant and seem to not keep up with inflation and COLA the way those other professions do. You literally have to job hop to keep up. And it’s hard to recruit college grads when you can only offer them $65K-$75K but a house costs $600K and rents are over $2000 a month. Even if you can get them started much higher, most top out at $150K-ish unless you go into some sort of leadership position.

Engineers have been left behind to some degree because the title has lost its prestige. I try every day and every chance I get to bolster the profession and bring honor to it. I now publicly call out people calling themselves engineers without a degree. I tend to use the term “degreed engineer” more often than simply “engineer”. The first question I have for any engineer I first meet is “what school did you go to and what flavor of engineer are you?” It’s frustrating HOW OFTEN some fucking biology major or some physics major calls themself an engineer. It’s rampant and it fucking sucks…

I’m all in on changing the status quo - we need engineering to become prestigious once again. Our nation needs it immediately.


Hope this helps.
I work with an EE every single day.

Guy is hella smart. Knows his shit.

Dumb as a fucking box in operations world. I tell that bitch all day every day, just give me the deets if it’ll work you 100 lb brain dildo. Then the rest of us can actually put it to practice and reap the real rewards of project manager.

Hope this helps.
I wonder, do professional engineers swear like a sailor all the time?

You know, like how guys do in the trades, or in the military where every other word is an F bomb, or some such?

You'd think they'd actually learn real words that elucidate cogent thoughts instead of parochial high school dropouts.

You know... to show others how intelligent they really are?
Yes, yes we do, and not all of us are libtards. (And even went to club fed for J6 lol). And some of us even came up working ops, but we're rare. :)
I wonder, do professional engineers swear like a sailor all the time?

You know, like how guys do in the trades, or in the military where every other word is an F bomb, or some such?

You'd think they'd actually learn real words that elucidate cogent thoughts instead of parochial high school dropouts.

You know... to show others how intelligent they really are?
@GarneT&GolD1978 based on his cursing may be the most intelligent man on the planet, or is sitting on a cock this very minute, prove me wrong, hope this helps.
I wonder, do professional engineers swear like a sailor all the time?

You know, like how guys do in the trades, or in the military where every other word is an F bomb, or some such?

You'd think they'd actually learn real words that elucidate cogent thoughts instead of parochial high school dropouts.

You know... to show others how intelligent they really are?

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