Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

It’s hilarious because it’s true

This reminds me of Evan Hafer, Black Rifle Coffee CEO and former green beret and cia contractor, telling a story on Rogan. He said he picked up a brand new female cia agent to work in the ME and she got in the back seat and pulled out her glock and racked it to chamber a round.... she hit him in the back of the head with the barrel while doing this.... Evan took her pistol away and told her that if him and the other dude got killed she could grab a gun and shoot but other than that, don't touch another fucking gun around me...

He got called into the chiefs office to get scolded until he explained why he took her gun. He said the dude went from pissed and ready to send him home to shaking his head in disbelief. LOL.

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