Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Deep State Cabal price suppression. Just like the AI chat said. Motherfuckers. I'm ready to be stupid rich n never work another day in my life.

But of course

There is no way this could spin out of control.

Watch the CNN Cold War series from the 1990s.

At no time did we kill Russians deep inside Russia. We just didn't do shit like that during the Cold War because it could lead to a nuclear exchange.

We had real leaders who didn't just go around playing with fire for the heck of it.

We had Cold Warriors who knew what the hell they were doing.

We are led by children until Jan 20th.

We still have Kirby though. MAGA!!!

Piers Morgan was stunned when a guest claimed that Israel is plotting to a*sassinate Donald Trump and frame Iran, using the incident as a pretext to ignite a war.

The man urged Trump supporters to stay vigilant, pointing to past false flag operations that paved the way for conflicts, such as the first and second Iraq wars, the war in Libya, and the events of October 7.

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