Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^fires chasing the libs, I thought they already left? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

^^hang these folks^^

Never in my life has a thought like this crossed my mind. WTF

There was a kid on our street who had us put a firecracker in his back pocket, light its fuse, and he'd run until it blew up. He did that several times until he got a spewer which burned his back.

Conservative government in the UK? Pro-Muslim, anti-free speech, throw your British ass in jail PM is conservative?

Now we know where the military age Chinese border jumpers are going.

2 years ago I was told by my local postmaster that my mailbox in front of my house needed to be moved 4" closer to the curb because it was causing the driver to have to strain his back to reach out of the truck to put mail in my box. Also, when I put my water bill in the mail it now takes 7-10 days to get to the water dept which is 2 miles from my office. This is the most incompetent organization on the planet.
2 years ago I was told by my local postmaster that my mailbox in front of my house needed to be moved 4" closer to the curb because it was causing the driver to have to strain his back to reach out of the truck to put mail in my box. Also, when I put my water bill in the mail it now takes 7-10 days to get to the water dept which is 2 miles from my office. This is the most incompetent organization on the planet.
Well you could join the 21st century and pay your water bill online.
Damn, get loose and take a little time away and I'm 40 pages behind. Thank guys

Anyhoo. Got a question (or 2) for any of you accountants or brilliant financial guys. Is it normal when you sell a business for the criminal entity called the federal government to get more than 55% of the sale?? Surely this can't be right. If so, how to get around them taking one's life work (actually 3 generations of work)? Any help and suggestions here would be greatly appreciated
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