Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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He wasn’t the bad guy here. He was looking out for his country. It all started with the pipeline. He bucked the deep state. Now he’s dead. Just like very other Middle East leader.

Assad arrives in Moscow, is granted asylum by Russia​


Let me break some news:

Why is Adam Schiff being sworn in more than a month early?

Here’s a possibility.

There’s an important reason and I believe it gives us a clue as to what is about to happen.

Why would Schiff want to leave the House and be a member of the Senate at this critical timeframe before Trump takes office?

I think two reasons.

First, he wants to spearhead the attacks from the democrat side to prevent several of Trump’s nominees from being confirmed. He will most likely be leading that charge and needs the extra time to organize a game plan.

I also think he fears something bigger.

I think he already knows that Speaker Johnson has cut a deal to recess the House.

A lot of people believe that Congress is immune from arrest as long as Congress is in session.

I don’t believe that immunity ever covers treason.

But there are clues that many members of the House, now fear arrest.
Congressman Raskin recently declared himself protected by the Speech or Debate Clause.
He argued that what they’ve done to Trump is covered under that clause and there is a separation of powers issue.

Their fear and panic is real.

Does a separation of powers within the Constitution, protect any members of the government from treason prosecutions?

I would clearly argue no.

So why do I believe that Schiff has been sworn into the Senate early?
I think he knows Johnson is going to recess the House but the Senate will refuse, both under Schumer and the new majority leader, Thune.
Schiff thinks they can win the narrative fight to prevent Trump from using his presidential powers under the constitution.

What are those powers?

Trump can force the Senate into recess if they refuse to go along with the House.

That allows Trump to place all of his nominees in office for two years without confirmation from the Senate.
But it also removes any legal protection from members of Congress for any crimes they’ve committed, even those less than treason because they are no longer in session.

Schiff sees the writing on the wall and realizes that the only play left for him as we go down to the wire on Trump’s Inauguration Day is to try and influence the Senate to put up a fight.
He knows that the House cannot resist anything and there are enough RINOS in the Senate to at least try and resist.

The fact that he couldn’t wait for his normal swearing in, is evidence of pure panic.


Why the fuck do any of these asshole criminals get protection just because Congress is in session. Fuck that.
Mark me down for leaving Russia alone and trying not to start wwIII for the time being.

The timing of this is not a coincidence. Neither is the stuff in Romania. I question if this all our doing or are the intelligence services of other countries involved? And what is going to happen with Iran if we are cashing in all the chips in over the next 6 weeks? Scary times.
MI6 and the Israelis are asshole deep in all this too.

I'm going to explain to you what happened in Syria.

But if you believed that the rebels, who were held at bay for 14 years suddenly became Delta Force in a week you are too dense to comprehend it so you can stop reading now.

The CIA removed Assad the same we removed Saddam and Gadaffi. And now before Trump can be inaugurated we, the United States, are going to rush aid to the terrorists who took his place. A group that we have on the terrorist list mind you.

Those funds will be spent by the terrorists on weapons from companies that "support" some of your favorite politicians.

Those funds will find their way, in part, to some of those same politician's campaigns when those companies "donate."

And on and on goes the scam that has been happening in front of you for your entire life.

and furthermore....

If you **still** can't tell at this point how this 'game' is played, you're probably still asleep in the Matrix.

Shall I tell you?

How this game is played?

They're trying to set Trump up for 4 years of narrative bombing.

They're rushing to empower AQ/ISIS all over again just like they did the last time under that gay motherfucker Obama.

Do you not know?

Can you not see?

They've already earmarked hundreds of billions of dollars that the international MIC is going to spend 'containing' these CIA/Mossad paramilitary Operation Gladio groups they created and now empowered to take over Syria.

Bad enough that ISIS was allowed by NATO and the West to gallivant around the region from 2008-2017 in those oh-so-slow moving car/truck caravans up and down the highways as they committed their mass executions and depravities. They had a magical mystery air shield that prevented their convoys from being blown back to the Stone Age. Weird how that worked, huh?

They managed to seize and HOLD vast swaths of territory for YEARS while that gay motherfucker Obama did the helpless shrugging act, acting like he was trying OH SO VERY HARD to 'contain' them, but nothing he could really do. Nothing seemed to work, don't cha' know?

Guess what?

He wasn't really trying.

No one was, really.

Because ISIS was a creation of the West and was a tool being used to provide the EXCUSE for all the MIC money-laundering and defense contracting/industry money shuffle. Same fucking thing they did with Al Qaeda.

Trump will declassify the truth about what that fucking traitor No Name and Hillary and Obama and all the rest were doing in Benghazi.

Trillions of dollars went into the 'need' to 'promote democracy' in that region after 9/11. And then Syria, and then to combat the mysterious rise and dominance of ISIS.

And now here we fucking go again.

Same players, same playbook.

If you're pretending to fall for this, you must be in on it.

As for the people who've figured out what's been going on, we've had ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT.

Trump will shut this down immediately when he comes in.

They are counting on that. So here's what you can expect to happen once Trump stays out of it.

They're gonna spend 4 years screaming he's 'abandoning democracy!' when he doesn't send hundreds of billions of dollars to keep the MIC/CIA/Mossad proxies 'contained' in Syria.

They're gonna insist he get in there and 'save Israel' from this self-generated threat.

And when he doesn't they're gonna use this to attack him.

No no, don't thank me.

This is what I do for living.

It's my contribution to The Great Awakening.

Get a different playbook, you fucking losers.
Why the fuck do any of these asshole criminals get protection just because Congress is in session. Fuck that.
According to Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution, members of Congress are privileged from arrest in all cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace while attending sessions of their respective houses or while traveling to and from these sessions.
So this isn't the shooter right? I feel like it's a group of people and they are playing with the authorities.
From what I've gleaned it certainly is suspect that we know more about this alleged shooter than any shooter ever before.


It's almost as if they really want us to believe them.

Don't know about you, but that is not the 'normal' MO for government authorities.


I knew she couldn't suck dick wortha damn.

Luigi Mangione seemed to have it all before vanishing from his social circle.

An heir to a prominent resort chain, he came from a wealthy family with no criminal record, no red flags, and a polished, photogenic presence on social media.

Known for his high IQ, he secured internships and appeared destined for success.

Was he subjected to MKUltra techniques and SRA programming, developing multiple personalities allegedly triggered to perform specific actions or a*sassinations?

The New York Times contacted me to ask for my response to rapper Jay-Z’s allegation that I tried to extort and blackmail him. My response is pretty straightforward. No one has made any threats. Jay Z’s assertions are bogus and laughable. Instead, our firm sent a standard demand letter seeking a mediation on behalf of a woman who alleges Jay-Z sexually assaulted her as a minor. The letter was vetted and approved by our client, whose preference was to attempt resolution short of filing a lawsuit. This approach is common in these types of cases. What you are seeing played out now is a coordinated and desperate effort to focus the public’s attention on me personally to avoid attention on the allegations being made by my clients. This effort has included harassing my family and colleagues and even offering former clients money to sue me—which is illegal.

When an alleged perpetrator behaves in this manner, wildly asserting that a basic demand letter is “extortion,” and aggressively using the media to attack the opposing lawyer while at the same time ignoring the allegations being made by the alleged victim, it reminds me of a famous line from Shakespeare: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” We intend to address all of these issues with the court in due course. Let me be clear: We will not be bullied or intimidated by these shenanigans. And our clients won’t be silenced.

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