Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
These tweets are aggravating because they're not remotely close to calling it
Just to give you some perspective, the Secretary of State of the state of Georgia basically called it at 10:45 PM for Trump and that was official
Fox. Didn’t call it until like 10 minutes ago.

I’m telling you this shit is over with brother huge victory for the good guys tonight! And like I said, I’m still praying for it, but I believe the lead is insurmountable
I’m trying to find a clip. It was glorious. I just watched Fox for 30 seconds to see what was going on that channel. Carl Rove just destroyed that douche bag Juan

Those snowflake liberals all know it’s over

It’s all theater. Every one of those fuckers is a paid actor. Reciting scenes, reading lines, gesturing, stage acting. It’s all 100% bullshit.

LOL ok guys it’s time for the Juan - Rove cat fight scene… Set! ACTION!!
Fox news looks like the family that doesn't want to let the rich grandfather know that his favorite granddaughter is pregnant by Puerto Rican cabana boy... LOL Bunch of fucking pussies. You can tell they know and just want to wait and see if Dems try to steal it... They don't want to stop them if they do the unthinkable. Bret Baier and Martha look like hostages tonight.

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