Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Pennsylvania Democrats are paying operatives to go around wearing large "VOTER PROTECTION" lanyards, giving the impression they are government election officials, which they are not. This is illegal; the GOP was placed under a ridiculously punitive 35-year consent decree for things exactly like this. But there is good news here: Democrats now realize that they're the ones who have to fear high voter turnout.


^^if they only realized the left elite hate them more than the right does^^



^^A good start^^


Best thing about this tweet is that Deborah Birx no longer works for Texas Tech Health Science Center. That was a bonehead hire in the first place.

The VA is supposed to support Veteran health and recovery. Especially when it comes to combat related injury. It’s pretty fucked up that “I think I was born with the wrong genitalia” is a bigger priority than those with actual combat injuries. But it’s our reality.
The good thing is I don't see a lot of young veterans at the VA. Most are middle aged or older. I doubt many are rushing to have their "dead" peckers cut off. They have more serious issues.

The amendment is bunk. It is corporatism. It makes weed legal to purchase from ONLY 3 allowable companies. Fuck all that.
That won't last long. No illegal weed is going to stop being sold. Depending on the tax the gov't puts on it, it may be cheaper to buy from illegal sources. I've noticed all states that have legalized it have gone crazy on the tax part.
Check out your school state education website. This is the democrat education initiative to bus the older illegal alien invasion they call ‘indigenous underserved populations’, into suburban schools with OUR children to destroy suburban towns & create urban conditions.Their argument, is that they can’t get enough talented teachers to work in these crime infested, corrupt & broken institutions. As if the behavioral, socioeconomic, illiteracy & language gap will disappear. These 20 year olds who know nothing except crime & gang warfare all their lives are coming to a school near you.

^^just sad, unhappy, ugly people^^


^^Kamala voters^^
^^We know, 5 years ago, but another check in the conspiracy theory side^^

Guy talks about how "the guy" who road from Colorado Springs to Denver in 20 minutes (normally 60 to 90 mins) at 150mph+ was charged in Texas while riding around Austin on a dirt bike through tunnels and streets and pathways. He created shirts and hoodies celebrating 'the event' and made $36K vs the $2300 fine. Popping wheelies all through town and stuff.

What Happened in Colorado?​

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