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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021

This is how they could use this situation to switch Kamala Harris out for Michelle Obama. The Switch Behind closed doors, party leaders and strategists engage in urgent discussions about the future of the ticket. With Joe Biden's viability as a candidate now in question due to the heightened risks and the potential for public backlash, the conversation quickly shifts to a contingency plan.Kamala Harris, as the sitting Vice President, is the logical choice to step in. However, given the unprecedented nature of the situation and the need to rally the party around a figure who can unify and inspire, the idea of bringing in Michelle Obama is floated. Her popularity and the connection to the Obama legacy make her a formidable candidate who could stabilize the party and energize the base.In this scenario, Harris publicly steps aside, positioning herself as a key leader focused on national security and public safety, allowing Michelle Obama to step in as the new face of the Democratic campaign. The transition is presented as a necessary response to extraordinary circumstances, with the emphasis on protecting the nation and ensuring strong leadership in a time of crisis. The shift is framed as a powerful and decisive move that showcases the Democratic Party's adaptability and commitment to safeguarding the country.

I’m not sure Michelle is popular…


Mar 24, 2023
⚡🇷🇺President of the Russian Federation has signed a Decree that allows foreign nationals from countries in which neoliberal values are promoted on state level to immigrate to Russia by allowing such foreign nationals to apply for Temporary residency permit (TRP a 3-year permit) without a quota that was annually approved by the Russian Government.

Another major development that citizens of such countries do not need to pass the Russian language when applying for the Temporary residency permit. This is a major development in the Russian immigration legislation that will allow many foreigners that wish to immigrate to Russia make it much easier.

Link to the official publication http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202408190001?index=2


Jan 9, 2021
⚡🇷🇺President of the Russian Federation has signed a Decree that allows foreign nationals from countries in which neoliberal values are promoted on state level to immigrate to Russia by allowing such foreign nationals to apply for Temporary residency permit (TRP a 3-year permit) without a quota that was annually approved by the Russian Government.

Another major development that citizens of such countries do not need to pass the Russian language when applying for the Temporary residency permit. This is a major development in the Russian immigration legislation that will allow many foreigners that wish to immigrate to Russia make it much easier.

Link to the official publication http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202408190001?index=2
Yeah I'm not doing that.


Jan 8, 2021
⚡🇷🇺President of the Russian Federation has signed a Decree that allows foreign nationals from countries in which neoliberal values are promoted on state level to immigrate to Russia by allowing such foreign nationals to apply for Temporary residency permit (TRP a 3-year permit) without a quota that was annually approved by the Russian Government.

Another major development that citizens of such countries do not need to pass the Russian language when applying for the Temporary residency permit. This is a major development in the Russian immigration legislation that will allow many foreigners that wish to immigrate to Russia make it much easier.

Link to the official publication http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/document/0001202408190001?index=2

Good luck finding a job and being able to survive without knowing Russian


Jan 8, 2021

I know we all think this is going to be bad... but it has the potential to be catastrophically bad. They have so many violent people who don't agree on everything, but they all hate the police and America.

IMO, Controlled opposition Pro-Palestinian protesters are used to derail any legitimate criticism of Israel, much Like the hippie movement was controlled opposition to discredit the legitimate anti-war movement.


Jan 8, 2021
Went for a disability review exam today. In the paperwork they (VA) sent, they still say to abide by the masks and 6-foot rules at the provider's office. Notwithstanding the sentence before said the CDC mask mandates had been eliminated. They had mask signs plastered all over. Nobody was wearing masks.


Dec 1, 2020
This is how I envision Sunday Funday went yesterday with @MIZCDB and his crew at the lake.

Pretty accurate. Sundays are usually a little more quiet and used for recovery from Saturday. Qofee Talk usually lasts a little longer on Sundays and a few of us watch church on my deck before we head out and float for a while before the real world slaps us upside the heads on Monday.

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