Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Honestly, the police are not our friends. Nor do they care about what is right or wrong. They do what they are told. Sure there may be some outliers but in general they are not doing much to protect normal citizens. I have seen this go on too long to come to any other conclusion. Between blindly following and from general ambition amongst the officers, it is pretty easy to see we are alone out here. Good for the guy above coming forward but a day late and a dollar or three short. Nobody will do a thing to change what he is claiming so why even come out with this all now.m? That is not hero stuff, that is cowardice IMO…..and I am one who supports LEO’s.
Honestly, the police are not our friends. Nor do they care about what is right or wrong. They do what they are told. Sure there may be some outliers but in general they are not doing much to protect normal citizens. I have seen this go on too long to come to any other conclusion. Between blindly following and from general ambition amongst the officers, it is pretty easy to see we are alone out here. Good for the guy above coming forward but a day late and a dollar or three short. Nobody will do a thing to change what he is claiming so why even come out with this all now.m? That is not hero stuff, that is cowardice IMO…..and I am one who supports LEO’s.
They may not all be but our boy @TheRealJohnCooper is! Homeboy can be in my foxhole anytime! We are gonna need guys like him to ferret out the rats. Skol brothers!!!


This is breakthrough. They are already stealing the elections. Michelle Obama has 561 pulling locations that she is going to have food vendors there to lure voters in that election bribery Then they give drivers license to all these illegal immigrants so they can vote that’s bullshit fucking election fraud…either election needs to be canceled and started all over and if not, then we will never have a fair election because this Democratic Party or nothing but a bunch of fucking thieves, liars, deceiver, and pedophiles
Daggum!!! This guy was demoted by the army and they want to make him Vice President of the US?

He needs to go drink some of Blumenthal's jucies. Birds of a feather...

Much like DIE (dei) they will continue under a different name or no name. Their records should be discoverable, if they are wiped clean with Bleachbit. Hildebitch will show them how.
Honestly, the police are not our friends. Nor do they care about what is right or wrong. They do what they are told. Sure there may be some outliers but in general they are not doing much to protect normal citizens. I have seen this go on too long to come to any other conclusion. Between blindly following and from general ambition amongst the officers, it is pretty easy to see we are alone out here. Good for the guy above coming forward but a day late and a dollar or three short. Nobody will do a thing to change what he is claiming so why even come out with this all now.m? That is not hero stuff, that is cowardice IMO…..and I am one who supports LEO’s.
Covid told us all we needed to know about brown shirts. For the most part, the local PDs fell in line with marching orders from the filthy politician. Sheriffs and their deputies were the LEOs that seem to be trustworthy when it comes to our Constitutional freedoms.
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That’s because sheriffs are elected and police are political appointees.
That's my point. The mayors control the PD. If you live in a shithole lib city, expect your PD to follow commie orders. Sheriffs are elected and sworn to serve and protect the Constitution. You will have ones like Grady Judd that protect the inalienable rights of the people that the Constitution sets forth
They may not all be but our boy @TheRealJohnCooper is! Homeboy can be in my foxhole anytime! We are gonna need guys like him to ferret out the rats. Skol brothers!!!
I don’t disagree with that. I was actually raised by a LEO. I’ve seen and heard a lot of things that allow me to form my opinion. I sincerely hope they are on our side when and if the crap hits the fan, but too many of them certainly were not when it came to the Covid crap. Which is very concerning because the people who brought that on us will certainly try something like it again.
I don’t disagree with that. I was actually raised by a LEO. I’ve seen and heard a lot of things that allow me to form my opinion. I sincerely hope they are on our side when and if the crap hits the fan, but too many of them certainly were not when it came to the Covid crap. Which is very concerning because the people who brought that on us will certainly try something like it again.
I know. I am right there with you. Hopefully they have a moral compass and know where there allegiances lie. But the covid bs and the brownshirted just following orders police showed us they will shit on our constitutional rights. I watch here in Anchorage as the homeless run rough shod over our laws. Meanwhile some jetkoff is running radar on LACs trying to get to work. This place is fast becoming a liberal shithole. The shield maiden and I are now looking to get out of dodge. Skol!
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