Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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CNN has framed Trump shooting as an “interruption”

What would they lead with if this was Biden?

An environment of hatred and hysteria has been created - and not by Trump as they continually claim, but by the technocratic state. They’ll probably find a way to blame him for this. “Trump’s ear assaults bullet”

This ought to inspire a return to sanity. But it won’t, it can’t, because they have to cling on to power and the demonization of Trump. This is what they have instead of a vision for a better world.
Inside job... maybe the guy was a nut Antifa fag that pulled the trigger, but the secret service *allowed* this.
Agreed! Antifa guy is the patsy. No WAY a legitimate SS detail doesn’t have an elevated vantage point 150 yds from podium heavily staked out. The BBC interview is very telling. I want to hear more from the Trump supporter. Authorities will say “Trump supporters were drinking, we can’t confirm their stories”

Inside for sure
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Definitely time for the democrat’s who have talked shit, talking about you Maxine whiggy Waters, to get called out. Establishment has let those idiots talk shit and try to incite violence against Trump and his supports, time to tell them to shut the fuck up. Things could spiral quickly, going to be an interesting couple of months. Buckle up and keep your head on a swivel.
I could not agree more. I don’t want to see an actual violence towards these dems, but they need to be very aggressively called out in public places for their words that have called for violence. That definitely includes Maxine Waters, and Biden for calling for putting a “Bullseye” on Trump. I am raging mad right now, but I don’t want to see violence. I want people to be held accountable.
Agreed! Antifa guy is the patsy. No WAY a legitimate SS detail doesn’t have an elevated vantage point 300 yds from podium heavily staked out. The BBC interview is very telling. I want to hear more from the Trump supporter. Authorities will say “Trump supporters were drinking, we can’t confirm there stories”

Inside for sure
If it’s the antifa guy being circulated it’s definitely a planned assassination as that info was out QUICKLY… Paddock
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