I am DONE dancing around this issue. If we are to have any hope of changing things for the better, we need to have the balls to recognize the truth and call out what is really going on, no matter the cost.
Jewish Zionists control the media. They infiltrate our Governments through lobbying organisations such as AIPAC.
They run perverted corporations like Disney and Nickelodeon. They finance and promote pornography, corrupting the minds of future generations and weakening the souls of young men.
They exercise disproportionate control over our banks and enslave the masses through endless debt. They push degenerate LGBT propaganda, dividing the West and poisoning the very fabric of human nature, that of gender.
They brainwash us through Hollywood and the entertainment industry. They drag us into war after war against in the hopes of propping up the state of Israel and weakening Arab states.
Through blackmail and child trafficking rings, they ensure no American politician strays too far from the box that has been set up for them.
They create and fund race tensions and finance both sides of the culture war. They hate populism, they hate God, and they are atheistic Satanists.
The further you look, the harder it is to deny the truth, however uncomfortable that truth may be.
I will be called antisemitic. I will be cancelled. I couldn’t give a fuck.
Of course there is a caveat. Not all Jews are bad people. I’ve met and spoken with many Jews who oppose Zionism and are doing much good work to expose it. The human race is diverse. There is good and bad in every group.
But in these dark times there is no room for cowardice. There is no room for weakness. We must acknowledge what is going on if we are to have any hope of moving forward and building a better world.