Its like listening to some digbat finding out Washington breathed air, who's fuckin' mind is blown realizing, holy shit, Kennedy also breathed air....concluding: "omg, this Proves only one thing!" "Muh meshing dimensions!"...

Nah for real though, ya definitely should be very careful with these "New Age Spirituality" cults coz they ain't about what they're overtly presenting.
"Evil does not create, it only twists, warps, and tricks the ignorant good into doing its bidding."
Easy to spot 'em when they advertise stupid materialistic self-gratification shit like "manifesting money"...

jfc...and especially by the shameless employment of logically fallacious rhetorical trickery, eg: -
"98% Percent of People have no idea this method exists..."
"For 15 min manifesting money, there is powerful a manifestation technique..."
"Wealth, money, health, relationship, relaxing, successful life"