Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
The Pentagon plane is curious. According to the video, the plane was only a few feet off the ground when it hit. Strange it was able to descend that low and level with all the freeways surrounding the Pentagon or other buildings/houses in the area. A plane flying that low at that speed would have taken some time to descend to that level, yet, it hit nothing else along its descent.
Its the same as all the previous right wing sites I used to use, lots of asian and black people were in them - yet the media cries and claims 'Its only toxic white men'.

r/Incels did a poll and 40% of the users were asian, mostly Indian like me or Chinese. Yet the media - 'r/Incels was exclusively white and banned ethnic minorities & women' like erm nope, one of the mods was a morbid obese 'femcel' too, the type that realized her weight was a problem not a positive.

And imagine the left wing ever realizing - most asian people are actually conservative from their cultural upbringing and value monogamy and marriage before sexual shit. Like their tiny brains would explode.

Incel sites were all about self improvement, the 'hating women' stuff was a misrepresentation of 'hating modern society' as is the norm with redpill / blackpill ideology.
Mungri? Is that like man hungry?

What this means is that if SCOTUS rules against DOJ, there will be a flood of motions to dismiss the count in pending cases, vacate existing convictions, and resentence/release J6ers imprisoned on the count. More than 350 are now charged with 1512(c)(2), and the DOJ brazenly continues to bring the count against J6ers, including a woman from California, this week.And it's even harder to describe the gratification I will feel watching these judges eat it day after day.

A Semite is a term used to describe a member of any people who speak a Semitic language, which is a family of languages spoken primarily in parts of western Asia and Africa. The term “Semite” was coined in the 19th century and is derived from the name of Shem, one of the three sons of Noah in the Bible.

The term “Semite” has been used to refer to various groups of people, including Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, and Aramaean tribes. In a broader sense, it can also refer to any person who speaks a Semitic language, including modern-day languages such as Arabic, Amharic, and Hebrew.
A Semite is a term used to describe a member of any people who speak a Semitic language, which is a family of languages spoken primarily in parts of western Asia and Africa. The term “Semite” was coined in the 19th century and is derived from the name of Shem, one of the three sons of Noah in the Bible.

The term “Semite” has been used to refer to various groups of people, including Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, and Aramaean tribes. In a broader sense, it can also refer to any person who speaks a Semitic language, including modern-day languages such as Arabic, Amharic, and Hebrew.
What about homos?

What this means is that if SCOTUS rules against DOJ, there will be a flood of motions to dismiss the count in pending cases, vacate existing convictions, and resentence/release J6ers imprisoned on the count. More than 350 are now charged with 1512(c)(2), and the DOJ brazenly continues to bring the count against J6ers, including a woman from California, this week.And it's even harder to describe the gratification I will feel watching these judges eat it day after day.

And the lawsuits will be phenomenal.

You can't mix cultures

You can't mix cultures
What a brave piece of shit filming it instead of protecting the little kid.

I fucking HATE what this society has become



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