Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Remember the Financial Times recently detailing President Zelensky’s henchmen being recorded demanding an eye-watering FIFTY PERCENT off an international businessman (and Ukraine’s tenth-largest taxpayer)? And of course, who can forget Zelensky’s agriculture minister, who recently got into trouble struggling to explain $10m in land acquisition on a ministerial salary. Today, it’s the turn of one of President Fiftypercentskyy’s loyal parliamentarians, unable to justify $237k in assets. I’m sure Mike “No-Johnson” Johnson is the toast of Kiev right now.

and to go with this
^^Screw these shitholes, let them clean it up themselves, they'll probably do a better job than the criminal we'd put in charge

^^Bet it ends up twice as expensive and takes twice as long to complete and will look like some of the Caribbean airports


^^Screw these shitholes, let them clean it up themselves, they'll probably do a better job than the criminal we'd put in charge

^^Bet it ends up twice as expensive and takes twice as long to complete and will look like some of the Caribbean airports..... and open from 8-5 M-F



So here's the REAL story:

Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military. On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile. The helicopter didn't explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept, NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”
Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!

THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals. Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles, that if used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Forward this again and again and again until everyone reads the true story of Benghazi.

Welcome to the Warfare State​

by Doug Casey

War is one of the few things that only the State can do. Indeed, as Randolph Bourne said, "War is the health of the State." Let’s briefly discuss the nature of the State to see why World War 3 is on the way.

The State is like any other living entity: its prime directive is to survive and grow. Bear in mind that the State—the government—is not at all the same thing as the country or society, even though it claims to be. It’s not "We the People"; it’s a distinct entity with its own discrete interests. And that’s actually too mild an assertion. While individuals and companies prosper by providing goods and services to others through voluntary exchange, the State specializes in coercion.

There’s nothing voluntary about the State. Its main products have always been pogroms, persecutions, confiscations, taxation, inflation, censorship, harassment, repression—and war. The State is not your friend.

Mass murder and wholesale destruction are bad enough in themselves. But in wartime, the State enables them with new taxes, new debt, draconian controls, and new bureaucracies. These things linger long after the war is over.

Worse yet, the State does these things with the sanction of the victim; the typical citizen has been taught that almost anything is justified by "national security." Anyone who would normally protest these depredations in peacetime soon learns to dummy-up when there’s a war for fear of being lynched for sympathizing with the invariably demonic enemy.

After the war—assuming a victory, of course—the State’s debt, taxes, regulations and general size never return to pre-war levels. They ratchet up to ever higher plateaus, requiring the State to do more of the same to justify its existence. Government programs, of whatever description, are almost never pulled out by their roots. At most, they’re trimmed, which has the same effect as pruning a plant, i.e., they’re encouraged to grow back bigger and stronger.

Why am I saying these scary things? Because we’re clearly heading towards a big war.

A Clear and Present Danger​

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.
Similarly OBiden traded Viktor Bout, the Russian arms dealer held in a US prison, for Brittany "I'm a man" Griner. Conveniently so Bout could get deeply involved in the billions of arms/ammo/etc. we sent to Ukraine. Most of that has been shipped to insurgents all over the world. You can bet your ass a lot of those weapons have come back to the US destined for the military ages males flooding across our borders. It's not difficult for the Chinese who run ports all over the world and in the US to slip a couple of containers full of weapons past the not so watchful eyes of CBP.
Great Biden military


Another J6 defendant has committed suicide.

David Kennedy Homol, 55, (on the left) shot himself on April 17th. Homol is at least the 5th J6 defendant to choose suicide over the ongoing injustices being leveled against J6 defendants by the government, the mainstream media, and brainwashed and hateful people in their own communities.

Homol was awaiting trial, accused of assaulting police on J6, which is usually the trigger for Biden’s DOJ to add terrorism enhancements to what might otherwise be simple misdemeanors.

Also important to note, the government has charged numerous people with assaulting the police, and DC juries have convicted them of such, and the mainstream media has eagerly reported the government narrative, despite the fact that in many of these cases the defendants have clearly demonstrated that they were actually trying to help police and/or keep the peace.

It is assumed that at least 2 additional suicides are attributed to the J6 abuses. 5 are now confirmed.

Lemme' guess, the White House crasher was a right wing nut job, Trump supporter that was on a certain "radar".
manifesto incoming....

NEW: North Carolina high school student who went viral for hitting his teacher has been smacked with felony charges & is being charged as an adult.

This is how it’s done.

17-year-old Aquavis Hickman has been indicted on assault and kidnapping charges for two separate incidents.

Hickman assaulted one of his teachers in February and another in April.

“We stand with teachers. We will fight to protect those teachers. And if you lay a hand on a teacher and assault a teacher, you can expect that the punishment will be swift and severe,” said Forsyth County District Attorney Jim O’Neill.


They are gonna love that little bitch boi in the pokey.

The Ides of March, H.G. Well’s prediction of atomic weaponry, and Babe Ruth’s iconic finger pointed toward the stands all enjoy pride of place in the annals of historic prognostications. When all is said and done, these annals may need to open once again to accommodate a largely unsung Nostradamus by the name of Donell Harvin, former chief of the Homeland Security and Intelligence division of Washington, D.C.’s Fusion Intelligence Center. This deep-state official and vehement never-Trumper is responsible for predicting the infamous January 6th pipe bombs to an uncanny and rather troubling degree of accuracy. Why isn’t he interested in taking credit?

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