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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021

There will be more of this as countries ask/tell OBiden, "What'cha gonna do about it?" This is how the US becomes a third world military power. Being taken hostage and ransomed for the infrastructure and equipment. Afghanistan and Niger with more to come soon. The more US military equipment in other's possession the less in US possession.
Jan 8, 2021
So many mouth breathers in this thread. Yall are supposed to be the people that can decipher when we are being lied to by the government and MSM?!?!? but like 10 of y’all believe some dude named “coach beans TTU” has the inside scoop on what’s happening at UT?

There is a lot of low hanging fruit in this thread. Bunch of good patriots that just so happen to be as gullible, deceived, etc as anyone else


Dec 1, 2020

Very important. Glenn Beck and RFK Jr. doing good things here to educate the public. (I hate copying these tweets loses paragraphs.)

RFK Jr: JFK and RFK had a plan to break up the CIA in the 1960s“One of the documents that the CIA had kept secret” until last year was “a memo from Arthur Schlesinger that summarized my uncle’s plans … for how to end this rogue operation”“A week before he died, my father was asked by Pete Hamill … ‘what are you gonna do about the CIA?’ … and he essentially paraphrased what this earlier memo said.He was gonna separate the plans division, which is the dirty tricks division, from the espionage division.Espionage is what you want the CIA to be doing, that’s information-gathering and analysis.That was why the CIA was founded.But Allen Dulles, very early on, had changed the function of the CIA to allow it to do all these other malevolent tasks: overthrowing governments, fixing elections, bribing public officials … that’s called the plans division.My father had seen that … the espionage division had become the servant to the plans division, and the espionage division’s function was to provide tasks to the plans division to fix things in other countriesAnd then it served the function of justifying those and making sure none of the blowback was ever accounted for, or weighed, or measured, or reported.My father wanted to break them up into two separate agencies, so the espionage division would be looking over the dirty tricks division, and saying, what was the blowback?”They overthrew “Mohammad Mosaddegh in Iran in 1953, and then in 1954, they overthrew Jacobo Árbenz in Guatemala.Guatemala has never recovered. It’s got the highest murder rate in the hemisphere, it’s got terrible poverty, it never recovered from that.Iran has never recovered from the overthrow of Mosaddegh.Eisenhower did not want to go into another war. And he saw the CIA as a way to manipulate public events, to get rid of problems without sending US troops abroad.So, he relied very heavily on Dulles. Dulles was able then to just run amok.He was incapable of distinguishing between the welfare of the corporations that he had represented … Texaco, United Fruit Company”… and the welfare of the country and the people.“So, when Mohammad Mosaddegh said, ‘we’re gonna start actually charging BP and Texaco for the oil that they’re taking from our country,’ Dulles said, ‘oh that means they’re communists’ and overthrew him.The same thing happened in Guatemala … 80% of Guatemala’s arable land was controlled by United Fruit.Jacobo Árbenz said ‘we’re gonna distribute it all to the peasants,’ including his own land. He nationalized his own property.United Fruit had claimed on its tax returns that all of this land … was only worth $17 million, because they wanted to keep their taxes low.But then when he said, ‘we’re gonna nationalize it, here’s your $17 million,’ they said, ‘oh, no no, we’re making a mistake, it’s really $300 million.’So, they got on the phone to Dulles and had him overthrow the government.The espionage division ought to be looking at these blowbacks and saying, ‘okay, Obama, you used a drone and you killed a terrorist and his kids … what’s the long-term costs? He has fourteen brothers.’That kind of blowback is never, ever assessed by the CIA.”From Glenn Beck


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

JUST IN: President Barack Obama's former senior policy advisor Rahamim Shy has been charged with child s*x offenses.

Shy worked under the Obama Administration and helped on the U.S.'s strategy to combat terrorists from Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

According to the Daily Mail, Shy has been charged in British court for child s*x offenses.

The outlet reports that Shy was charged with "possession of two category C indecent images of children and possessing a prohibited image of a child."

The accused pedoph*le also worked under secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

He is set to go on trial in August.

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021

Trump and co aren’t the first to be targeted by a corrupt government and they won’t be the last.

I recently learned Arlington National Cemetery was purchased by the union at tax auction. Lee’s wife sent somebody to pay the taxes she owed but the feds refused to accept the money and said she had to appear in person to pay it. Obviously Lee’s wife wasn’t wandering around the area during the civil war. She later sued and won and the government was forced to purchase the land from her (for cheap).


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020


Jan 8, 2021

When you come here, you leave your old bullshit behind. If you can’t, you go back. Pretty fucking simpre.
People haven't been assimilating for decades. I see it often driving around DFW. Mexican flags displayed on houses but no US or Texas flag anywhere. You see it in the clothes people wear.


Jan 9, 2021
People haven't been assimilating for decades. I see it often driving around DFW. Mexican flags displayed on houses but no US or Texas flag anywhere. You see it in the clothes people wear.
I see it everyday in my neck of the woods. 8 cars in the driveway-yard-street for a single family residence, and several bbq grills on the front porch/front yard.

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