Bankrupting America is one of the major tenets of the Cloward-Piven Strategy being used by Obama through his staffers occupying Walter's WH.
Let's recap shall we?
It seems the Cloward-Piven strategists hate America for what it has become at the expense of other nations.
What they fail to recognize is that it's not 'We the People' who have created America.
The nation we're brought up to "believe in" was usurped by the Act of 1871. International Bankers finalized the theft with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. They also assassinated 3 presidents who got in their way to accomplish their goals and they're now making noises to do it again to the only person standing in their way.
None of this is 'taught' in the public fool system.
"We the people" have been brainwashed into supporting the MIC that Eisenhower warned us about via an illegal taxation scheme that has no legal force because it's 'voluntary'.
The BRICS+ are attempting to create a counterparty world to the endless wars that rape and pillage resources across the globe in the name of democracy.
"We the people" are mere pawns in the whole scheme of things. Most folks have NO CLUE that any of this is true especially the useful idiot (la la la I can't hear you) liberals!
The whole world of finance is based upon debt slavery of some form. The BIS, WEF, WHO ngo's et al are in the process of 'finalizing' their grasp of world domination over humanity using a faux Green New Deal, climate change, pandemics, and Black Swan events.
All of this is 'hidden' from view via pedo blackmail of our so-called 'elected' leaders. Epstein duped them all with the promise of a 'fun time' hobnobbing with the tribal elite on an exotic Caribbean island only to wake up "owned" by 8X10 color glossy photos (and videos) of them "in action" with minors.
How? Perhaps they were 'enticed' using the
World's Scariest Drug?
Then we discover there also happens to be a Satanist cabal pulling the strings behind the scenes who worship and sacrifice children to BAAL and consume their tortured blood as a fountain of youth; which probably explains why 100,000 children go 'missing' each year in the US alone?
Hollywood and other 'trusted' major corporations are secretly backing and guiding this cosplay in plain sight - while pushing a transgender pedophilia agenda on society as being 'normal' - starting with school children ostensibly to garner them 'cover' in the eyes of society so that their 'activities' become "normalized" among the 'normies' of the world and therefore an 'acceptable' practice not to be disdained, nor prosecuted as before.
Try explaining this to people and they'll certify you as being a psychobabble nut job who should be locked up to keep society safe!
Now they want to destroy America and freedom to protect their enterprise of evil, the world they created.