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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021

Some pit bulls are good I suppose. However, how many incidents like this are going to happen until the breed is eliminated? The owners have nobody to blame but themselves. Same as those who have poisonous snakes or constrictors in their houses and someone gets bitten or a small child or pet gets squeezed to death and/or eaten.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

So uhhhh…

Israel is trying to buy TikTok.

Well, people with EXTREMELY deep ties to Israel are. And no one on TikTok is surprised at all.

TikTok doesn’t suppress anti China content- it suppresses anti Israel content. (Hence how 🍉 came to signify Palestine- because saying the word would get your video deleted.)

And it’s not pro China sentiment that has the big boys with their political positions and banker buddies worried. It’s pro Palestinian content.

Connect the dots. It’s not rocket science.


Jan 9, 2021

So uhhhh…

Israel is trying to buy TikTok.

Well, people with EXTREMELY deep ties to Israel are. And no one on TikTok is surprised at all.

TikTok doesn’t suppress anti China content- it suppresses anti Israel content. (Hence how 🍉 came to signify Palestine- because saying the word would get your video deleted.)

And it’s not pro China sentiment that has the big boys with their political positions and banker buddies worried. It’s pro Palestinian content.

Connect the dots. It’s not rocket science.

So lawmakers and elites with dual citizenships are trying to buy it.


Jan 8, 2021

They told us it was bc of COVID.
They told us it was bc of a staged insurrection.


I'm not sure how or why people can't see the full picture.

The inauguration of 2020 was so full of inconsistencies it's absurd.

Early swearing in. Wrong gun salute. Gaga dressed like hunger games. Nancy being led around by Marshalls. Biden saying salute the Marines bc that's what his earpiece said.

Trump never conceded.. Trump was given the 21 gun salute. The boss left with the nuclear football for crying out loud.

The drops told us, shown not told. Trump explained explicitly about the PAUSE.

He told you we are in his second term now.

So do you think the fences and barbed wire and 25k troops were for COVID and a staged insurrection?

I don't.

We will have a peaceful transition ta military power.

Wake up Frens. Shyts about to get real.

As innocent people continue to die…


Jan 8, 2021

FDNY Chief John Hodgens initially issued a stern warning, vowing to "hunt down" and discipline any member caught on video engaging in what was deemed as unprofessional behavior. The initial stance by the FDNY leadership to chastise its own for merely exercising their free speech rights has been met with fierce backlash.The department's heavy-handed approach sparked widespread outrage, along with legal challenges that underscored the fundamental right to free speech. Notably, Staten Island attorney Louis Gelormino stepped forward, offering pro bono legal aid to the firefighters under scrutiny, signaling the depth of community support for the firefighters' rights.The department's backtrack is further underscored by comments from Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, who staunchly defended the firefighters, arguing that their actions fell squarely within the bounds of constitutional protection. This legal perspective has seemingly forced the FDNY's hand, pushing the department to reassess its position.At the heart of this controversy is FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh
, whose leadership has come under intense scrutiny. Critics argue that Kavanagh's initial support for the punitive measures against the firefighters reflects a disregard for the very principles of free expression that form the bedrock of American democracy. Her lack of a firefighting background, coupled with her deep ties to Democratic politics, has only fueled concerns about her suitability to lead a department as vital and storied as the FDNY.In light of the mounting pressure and the clear legal implications of suppressing free speech, Commissioner Kavanagh has been compelled to soften her stance. The department is now emphasizing the importance of maintaining decorum and upholding the values represented by the FDNY uniform. However, this shift seems less about a genuine commitment to these principles and more about damage control, as Kavanagh seeks to navigate the stormy waters of her increasingly contentious tenure at the helm of the FDNY.This episode serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between maintaining professional standards within public institutions and respecting the constitutional rights of individuals. It also raises serious questions about the judgment and leadership of the FDNY brass, particularly Commissioner Kavanagh, in handling such sensitive matters. As the dust settles, the FDNY, and indeed Commissioner Kavanagh, must reflect deeply on this incident and its implications for the department's relationship with the public it serves and the firefighters who are its backbone.

Guarantee you she still gets the names of hecklers. It will just be quieter. They always get their revenge in these Lib shitholes.


Dec 9, 2020
I’m in the ear of someone in Hartzell’s office. The more the merrier. C’mon.

I had a thread deleted yesterday for posting this:

Go get 'em . @tgsio the usual suspects are already in your thread, I see.

edit: just entered the fray lol

Why do they always look like they were exiled from Whosville or extras from A Nightmare Before Christmas?

Just miserable human beings. Miserable with life and miserable to be around.
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