Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

If she was dressed to weird and acting too weird for ESPN... What the hell was she doing?

For fuck's sake, please do research before posting this shit. This is one of the sites that despise conservatives and hope that you'll share it with others, thereby invalidating any other factual things you may show them. If you're trying to red pill someone just waking up, this could work against you.




“This is all a scam. I mean, we got people that's getting ready to retire that's gonna try to live off $2k-$3k, Impossible. It's impossible. Because what happens, it comes up here, we spend it.
We're $35 trillion in debt. We don't have any money. We're dead broke. And then taxpayers have $2 trillion in credit card debt. We are in huge trouble.”
“In this body, we had better start figuring that out because we're gonna have a run on this city here soon, and there's gonna be about a 150,000,000 people coming up here saying, where's our damn money that we paid in? I could've put my Social Security money, 40 years, in tax in in in the market and probably worth $8 to $10 million today, But the federal government wasted it”
“1 out of 4 African American men will die between the ages of 45 64 after having paid into this system for decades, tens, if not 100 of 1,000 of dollars, and they get might get nothing back.”— “Look at things like indexing life retirement age to life expectancy, more accurate inflation index. And I think that workers need an option to have their money in something that actually earns a positive rate of return and that can't just immediately be spent by Congress”This has a lot of great information and unfortunately I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but it’s a great listen.

Imagine having a lap dog media that will give potato Joe high praise just for surviving tonight. We know that will rave about this being the speech of the century

Joe Rogan Hilariously Describes People With ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’

“That Trump Derangement syndrome – that’s a real thing.”Here are the common personality traits, according to

:• Virtue signalers
• Loud
• Don’t have their own sh*t together
• Life is in chaos
• Mentally unstable

That sounds pretty accurate to me.

Rogan also finds it almost pitiful that people with TDS “never get a win”:

“As you start losing, and Trump’s the president now, and you’re like, ‘He’s going to get arrested. He’s going to get arrested.’ And he never gets arrested. And then they got to take him off the ballot. ‘Take him off the ballot. He’s an insurrectionist!’ Nope! Supreme Court says unanimously, no. ‘Ahh!’ It’s like it just like it further compounds, and you never get a win.”
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