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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
I don’t understand what the deal is with a couple more Africans


Jan 9, 2021
My thoughts and will offend some (maybe). Hopefully when Trump is sworn in, His 1st day is to declare martial law while the military rounds up every fucking illegal and deports them. Keeps the courts at bay so the dems cant run to them and cry foul as Military rules as this point for 120 days. Next, Round up every fucking Rhino and Democrap, state and federal level, who went against the oath which they took while in office and ship them to GITMO to face trial for treason against the United States. No lengthy military trial and no appeals. Hang them all on Live TV. Next, round up the media heads who are trying to fuck up this country and lie to the American people day in and day out and throw them in Jail without bail while at the same time release every Jan 6 defendant. Also Release Derek Chauvin and his the other 2 cops that were fraudulantly convicted. Also Get the fuck out of NATO and WEF and shut down the central bank. Then and only then can we start dealing with worldly shit. I'm sure I have left out a few things and you are more than welcome to expand on my thoughts.
The FBI will see this and I will probably be in Jail soon


Dec 1, 2020
The mantra of we Gen-Xers. It’s probably why our generation is the most pissed off about race being an issue again. We were beyond it growing up and through college.
Can always tell a lib, when they say, my black friend, or this person at work who's black. But everyone else see's color, they're colorblind if you ask them


Jan 9, 2021
My thoughts and will offend some (maybe). Hopefully when Trump is sworn in, His 1st day is to declare martial law while the military rounds up every fucking illegal and deports them. Keeps the courts at bay so the dems cant run to them and cry foul as Military rules as this point for 120 days. Next, Round up every fucking Rhino and Democrap, state and federal level, who went against the oath which they took while in office and ship them to GITMO to face trial for treason against the United States. No lengthy military trial and no appeals. Hang them all on Live TV. Next, round up the media heads who are trying to fuck up this country and lie to the American people day in and day out and throw them in Jail without bail while at the same time release every Jan 6 defendant. Also Release Derek Chauvin and his the other 2 cops that were fraudulantly convicted. Also Get the fuck out of NATO and WEF and shut down the central bank. Then and only then can we start dealing with worldly shit. I'm sure I have left out a few things and you are more than welcome to expand on my thoughts.
The FBI will see this and I will probably be in Jail soon


Dec 1, 2020

I hadnt watched that shit league in 20 years. If you watch their superbowl go look in the mirror for your answer to, "what is wrong with this country?"

PS to that blowhard I never heard of, the black anthem ain't national, its racist and if you are ok with it you are the problem. Myself, I will be shredding the slopes of Alyeska. Fuck that bs game! Skol!
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