me tooCandace is moving up my "people I like" meter. I've always wanted to see her naked and liked what she says but I could honestly see her in an administration now.... even with her clothes on.
How the hell does a separatist group, in a country that the US SA and Yemen have been bombing for years.... store up that hardware?Why Wait - Take That Convoy Out Now - Sitting Hajis
How the hell does a separatist group, in a country that the US SA and Yemen have been bombing for years.... store up that hardware?
Because those aren’t photos of Houthi rebels…How the hell does a separatist group, in a country that the US SA and Yemen have been bombing for years.... store up that hardware?
That won’t last since it’s a violation of the federal government’s rights.
Hope it’s hot female jfk from earlier today. I would let her/him give my stump speech.
Well okay that settles it.
That will flop as bad as anything ever has.
Hope Hicks
I’m trying to think of a really good joke, involving her first name, and a play on words on her last. I just can’t think of a good word that rhymes with “Hicks.” Any suggestions? This is what I have so far.
er first name
What the fuk man, that kind of thing is happening everywhere
We gotta take our fukin stand sooner than later
I’m fed up with this bullshit