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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Nothing. Just wanted to make sure you knew there were more posts in that thread.
Man the videos linked in some of those tweets are flat out scary.
Can’t shake this feeling that “it’s on” this year. One way or the other. Feels like “it” or “something” is going down.

The slow drip of information is now reaching the “normies” and I’ve spent the last few weeks (end of year new year stuff) meeting with customers in person and on the phone all over and I’m having conversations with them that you would have never had “normally” prior to all this shit.
Man, people are waking up and they are pissed off. Really getting the feeling shit is about to get very real.


Dec 1, 2020

"1. Attackers can alter the QR codes on printed ballots to modify voters’ selections;2. Anyone with brief physical access to the BMD (ballot marking device) machines can install malware onto the machines;3. Attackers can forge or manipulate the smart cards that a BMD uses to authenticate technicians, poll workers, and voters, which could then be used by anyone with physical access to the machines to install malware onto the BMDs;4. Attackers can execute arbitrary code with supervisory privileges and then exploit it to spread malware to all BMDs across a county or state;5. Attackers can alter the BMD’s audit logs;6. Attackers with brief access to a single BMD or a single Poll Worker Card and PIN can obtain the county-wide cryptographic keys, which are used for authentication and to protect election results on scanner memory cards; and7. A dishonest election worker with just brief access to the ICP scanner’s memory card could determine how individual voters voted."The main conclusions of the expert analysis of the Georgia computerized Dominion voting systems, as described by the Court:"• The ICX BMDs [Dominion's ballot marking devices] are not sufficiently secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering attacks by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia. . . • The ICX BMDs can be compromised to the same extent and as or more easily than the AccuVote TS and TS-X DREs they replaced. . . .• Despite the addition of a paper trail, ICX malware can still change individual votes and most election outcomes without detection . . . Although outcome-changing fraud conducted in this manner could be detected by a risk-limiting audit, Georgia requires a risk-limiting audit of only one contest every two years,27 so the vast majority of elections and contests have no such assurance. And even the most robust risk-limiting audit can only assess an election outcome; it cannot evaluate whether individual votes counted as intended. . . .• The ICX’s vulnerabilities also make it possible for an attacker to compromise the audit ability of the ballots, by altering both the QR codes and the human-readable text. Such cheating could not be detected by an [risk-limiting audit] or a hand count, since all records of the voter’s intent would be wrong. . . .• Using vulnerable ICX BMDs for all in-person voters, as Georgia does, greatly magnifies the security risks compared to jurisdictions that use hand-marked paper ballots but provide BMDs to voter upon request. . . .• The critical vulnerabilities in the ICX — and the wide variety of lesser but still serious security issues — indicate that it was developed without sufficient attention to security during design, software engineering, and testing. . . . t would be extremely difficult to retrofit security into a system that was not initially produced with such a process."What can the court do if the plaintiffs succeed in trial?"Plaintiffs carry a heavy burden to establish a constitutional violation connected to Georgia’s BMD electronic voting system, whether in the manner inwhich the State Defendants have implemented the voting system — i.e., that it imposes serious security voting risks and burdens impacting Plaintiffs’ voting rights — or otherwise. If Plaintiffs prevail at trial on one or more of their claims, there are pragmatic, sound remedial policy measures that could be ordered or agreed upon by the parties, such as (1) providing for the use of printed ballots for vote counting without the use of QR codes, (2) administering a broader scope and number of election audits to address vote count accuracy and other related issues, and (3) implementing other essential cybersecurity measures and policies recommended by the nation’s leading cybersecurity experts and firms, including the Department of Homeland Security’s CISA."


Dec 1, 2020


Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020




Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020



Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020



Can't These Losers Find a Fucking Wachovia for Their "Brawl"?

Two Pussy Campaigns Doing Pussy Things on SM


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Researchers Warn U.S. National Security Officials of Secret Deal Giving Qatar Covert Control over Nuclear & Weapons Development Research at Texas A&MISGAP research exposes Qatar's undisclosed billion-dollar funding to Texas A&M in return for full Qatari ownership of over 500 research projects.

ISGAP calls for a federal investigation into foreign donations to U.S. universities and an immediate halt to associated research endeavours until full scrutiny by relevant security and regulatory bodies and resolution of non-compliance issues.NEW YORK, 4th January – The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) have sent an urgent letter to senior US officials revealing alarming research findings exposing Qatar's unreported and unregulated funding to Texas A&M University.

The letter, sent before the New Year holidays to senior US government officials, security agencies and legislators, and supported by a comprehensive report, reveals Qatar's substantial ownership of nuclear research and sensitive weapon development rights at the university, warning of a serious potential threat to US national security.According to the research, in return for over a billion dollars in funding, a substantial portion of which remains unreported and unregulated, Qatar has acquired full ownership of more than 500 research projects at Texas A&M, some of which are in highly sensitive fields such as nuclear science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, biotech robotics, and weapons development.Critically, the confidential business-academic agreement uncovered in the report indicates that Qatar has been granted unprecedented control over academic research and standards, faculty, students, curriculum, and budgets at Texas A&M – one of the largest universities in America and a senior military college which hosts sensitive nuclear and weapon development research.“This is not merely an academic concern; it is a matter of urgent national security,” warns the letter. “The gravity of this situation necessitates immediate attention and action.

”The full report details highly sensitive research projects, such as a piston reactor for nanoparticle synthesis, a semi-continuous reactor engine, and the design, manufacturing, and testing of an aperture mechanism for a solar reactor. These projects raise concerns about the misuse of advanced materials, implications for advanced propulsion systems with military applications, and dual-use capabilities in both civilian and military technologies."These findings pose a potential national security risk to the United States. Qatar's control over sensitive research and its access to nuclear information are alarming, with possible consequences reaching beyond the region and impacting the world,” said Dr. Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP.

“This situation poses a clear and present national security risk to the United States, prompting our proactive approach in sharing this critical information with several agencies."In an urgent call to action, ISGAP is demanding a comprehensive investigation into sensitive research funded by Qatar at Texas A&M University in both the U.S. and Qatar, including all of the 500 projects owned by Qatari groups. Simultaneously, ISGAP is urging an immediate suspension of these research endeavours until the matter is thoroughly examined by relevant security, regulatory, and oversight bodies. Furthermore, ISGAP is advocating for more regulation and oversight of research in areas crucial to national security when funded by foreign sources and the cessation of any additional Qatari Government funding, whether direct or indirect via state-owned proxies, to American universities operating in Qatar or within the United States.In light of the potential threats posed, ISGAP is also calling for the initiation of an immediate federal government investigation into the non-reporting of foreign donations to U.S. universities.

The institute emphasizes the need for swift and decisive criminal action against systematic underreporting.The letter was sent to: Jennifer M. Granholm, Secretary of the Department of Energy; Gillian Keegan, Secretary of Education; Jose Berrios, Directives Point of Contact at the National Nuclear Security Administration; Christopher T. Hanson, Chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Texas Governor Greg Abbott; Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator for Texas; General (Ret.) Mark A. Welsh II, President of Texas A&M; and Dr. Alan Sams, Executive Vice President and Provost of Texas A&M.The full report can be accessed here: https://isgap.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Texas_AM_Qatar.pdf…—Background for PressThe Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) initiated the "Follow the Money" research project in 2012, focusing on the illicit funding of United States universities by foreign entities promoting anti-democratic, antisemitic ideologies, often linked to terrorism.

This ongoing investigation unearthed substantial Middle Eastern funding, primarily from Qatar, to U.S. universities, previously unreported to the Department of Education (DoED) as required by law, revealing billions of dollars in unreported funds.

This groundbreaking work led to a federal government investigation in 2019. Despite its close ties to the United States and other Western nations, Qatar has cultivated an extensive network of Islamist partners, hosting, supporting, and representing entities such as the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), maintaining ties with Iran, hosting the Taliban, supporting Hamas, and backing militias in Syria and Libya. ISGAP remains at the forefront of exposing and addressing these intricate issues concerning foreign funding and ideological influences within U.S. academia.

For media inquiries contact Raoul Wootliff at raoul@number10strategies.com
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