A likely Biden voter.
MCAS Hawaii
It’s not about sign stealing. Everyone does that. It’s about advanced scouting and then using electronic equipment to save and relay the information gleaned from that advanced scouting.
Two separate tier one infractions. Harbaugh was already in trouble with the NCAA for recruiting violations that were tier one. He is getting a show cause.
I actually think it was pretty criminal they are allowed to compete in the post season while a team like FSU has to sit at home.
It’s not innovative. The NCAA realized people could cheat that way which is why they made it against the rules.This is a country built on innovation. Harbaugh should be commended.
Da fuq?Bridgeport?
Who grad basic training
MCAS Kaneohe Bay
Just pointing out how bad his poll numbers are and how bad his campaign was doing... then asked why he thought he could win. LOL.what was the question
OSU fans told me he was getting fired at the end of year for cheating in their series.
Saban is not only going to curb stomp him in the CFP but Hardbawl will also get Saban a pay raise for doing it.....I'm going to crack up laffing if they lose in the first round after paying this much extra... LOL.
Chilis Bar and Grill in Denton Texas!
Until he is sued for providing him a platform to knowingly spread disinformation. X could easily be found liable especially if Trump & republicans get the changes to 230 that they want.Someone made a good point. Elon has no worries bringing Alex back to X. All the advertisers who are worried about such things are already boycotting X.
OSU fans told me he was getting fired at the end of year for cheating in their series.
Dammit,Natural selection at its finest.