Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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If they acknowledge 3600 ballots it means there were many many more. Just 1 duplicated ballot taints an entire election.

The people in Georgia and elsewhere are dancing around the primary topic but afraid to say it...the election was fraudulent and needs to be decertified. All these people are doing is running down the clock until 2024 so they can say "old news--we've corrected the problem. We don't need to go back to 2020."

When I was an unbeliever I couldn’t believe in a God that would allow so much evil and suffering in this world.

I now understand that God did not cause evil, suffering and death…

In Genesis 1 we read that when God made each creation,

He saw that it was good.

In Genesis 3 we read that human beings rebelled against God and when humanity chose to separate ourselves from God,

He partially honored our request and stepped back from us.

It is because of this separation from Our Creator that evil, suffering, and death came into this world.

The world is evil not because God created it that way, but because God has limited His union with us by creating us free.

It is because of the evil and wickedness in our own hearts that has caused this world to fall, not because of Our Creator.

Even the very hands that God gifted us with can be used for good or evil, it is our choice.

With freedom comes responsibility.

And because we are responsible for our actions we must be held accountable for our sin, for it is sin that has caused the fallen state of this world.

This is why sin is so serious to God.

Anyone telling you that you do not have to worry about sin is either deceiving you or is deceived themselves.

If God is good, God is also just.

A just God would not let free, responsible human beings get away with sin.

On the Day of Judgement, we all stand before the Lord covered in sin.

It is only because of the Love of God that He gave us a way to be covered in His Righteousness.

To be justified from the penalties of sin through God becoming flesh,

living a sinless, selfless, and righteous life only to suffer and die at the hands of free, responsible human beings.

And it is by grace through faith in that sacrifice can the fallen, natural man undo the separation from God in their own lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.

No matter what anyone says to you, we do not get a second chance at life.

Take this seriously.

God is separating the wheat from the chaffe and the sheep from the goats.

“for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Matthew 7:13-14

If you are an unbeliever reading this, know that I am praying that hear and understand these words.

In the end, that which is worldly, political, or ideological does not truly matter.

What matters is where you and your loved ones will spend your eternities.

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”

Matthew 6:19-20

I have no ill-will towards anyone who chooses not to believe, for that is ultimately their free will decision to make.

I do implore you to not only read the Bible, but to study and understand it.

I used to believe it to be archaic or difficult to get into.

I now see the scriptures as the ultimate source of spiritual wisdom, and have completely changed who I am to the benefit of those around me in my life.

I am a better husband, father, and man because of the Wisdom of the scriptures and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in my life.

So please consider what I am saying, my unbelieving friends.

God bless you all.

I used to be a Non believer. An atheist if you will. I turned to GOD in 2021. I joined a church, got baptized and I even attended an ACTS retreat for a Catholic Church. I'm now serving on an ACTS team for a retreat in March of next year. I was born and raised Catholic but I belong to a different church now. Thanks for posting this. It resonated with me.
If they acknowledge 3600 ballots it means there were many many more. Just 1 duplicated ballot taints an entire election.

The people in Georgia and elsewhere are dancing around the primary topic but afraid to say it...the election was fraudulent and needs to be decertified. All these people are doing is running down the clock until 2024 so they can say "old news--we've corrected the problem. We don't need to go back to 2020."

If you have a problem with what she said then you should also have a problem with Elon Musk and anyone else who is a free speech absolutist.

I personally find that rhetoric appalling. I don’t think it has any place in America.

Let’s not go full retard and use religion as the basis the denigrate all women. It would be hypocritical, especially since religion is the basis of the calls for genocide against Jews in the provided example.
He's Trolling The Swifties Hard

I have spent the last hour shaking with rage and punching my phone screen. This is without question the most shameful moment in our country’s history. Time Person of the Year is supposed to be ONLY for Americans who pulled themselves up by the bootstraps and succeeded on their own accord.

Literally no one knew who Tyler Swift was until two months ago when she showed up uninvited to one of Travis Kelce’s games, and now she’s ridden his coattails to fame and fortunate. She was also caught SWEARING on live TV and will never be as good of a musician or role model as Ashlee Simpson, Kris Kross, or Demi Lovato. And she’s Canadian, so not eligible for Time Person of the Year to begin with.

America: 1776-2023




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It sounds like a "Black Mirror" episode: a small country announces a crackdown on hate speech to seize control over the entire Internet.

Except it's not a "Black Mirror" episode. It's real life. And it's happening right now in Ireland.

The so-called "Hate Speech" bill isn't what it seems. It's not a bill about protecting the Irish people from hate crimes. It's a Trojan Horse designed to control the world's Big Tech companies — X, Facebook, Google, and YouTube.

This is a free speech emergency. We thought the legislation was dead. But the Irish government is using recent riots as an excuse to ram the legislation through before Christmas.


It's right there in black and white: "One of the key features of the Bill," write two attorneys with a leading Irish law firm, "is the provision for offences by corporate bodies."

How can Big Tech companies avoid censorship?

You guessed it: by agreeing to regulation of their content by the Irish government.

"The current iteration of the Bill provides a defence for the corporate body to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised due diligence to avoid the commission of the particular offence. Therefore, to establish and maintain such a defence, companies will need to have the appropriate processes and procedures in place."

The Irish government is almost certainly not acting alone. As my colleagues and I have reported, the demand for censorship is coming directly from the militaries, intelligence agencies, and their front groups in the US, UK, and around the world.

The intelligence communities of the Five Eyes nations of the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have been working together to censor ordinary citizens and politicians alike for disfavored speech for the last several years.

There's no time to mince words. What governments are doing is against the law. They are violating the constitutions of the nations that the people elected them to uphold.

Because of the high level of secrecy they are using, we can't say whether or not these are "rogue" elements within governments or whether these orders are coming from heads of state.

But we do know that demands for censorship have come both directly from the US military and from heads of state of Western nations around the world.

What's happening should terrify all freedom-loving people.

We must fight back.

We will fight back.

That starts with recognizing what's going on.

Please follow

and other Irish free speech leaders.

Please share this post and tell friends and family what's going on.

Finally, please consider getting involved directly. We have created and personally contributed to an Emergency Free Speech Fund to get the word out:

This isn't about "hate speech." This is about out-of-control elites within the intelligence, military, and security agencies around the world who are grotesquely abusing their power in a mad bid to take control of the Internet.

If we don't stop them, this terrifying "Black Mirror" episode will become real life.

Republicans bounced George Santos.

Kevin McCarthy is leaving this month.

Bill Johnson is retiring.

This will leave the GOP with a ONE-SEAT majority.

Democrats would never do their voters like this.

These people don’t give a sh!t about us or the country. In fact, they revel in sticking it to us and the country.


Republicans bounced George Santos.

Kevin McCarthy is leaving this month.

Bill Johnson is retiring.

This will leave the GOP with a ONE-SEAT majority.

Democrats would never do their voters like this.

These people don’t give a sh!t about us or the country. In fact, they revel in sticking it to us and the country.


It took pulling of teeth to get any democrat to vote to expel Dan Rostenkowski.
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