Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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A Nevada state-level criminal investigation into the fake electors plotintended to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election win is ramping up with prosecutors securing the cooperation of a key witness, even as some of those who served as pro-Trump electors remain politically active ahead of the 2024 election.

Kenneth Chesebro, a lawyer who helped orchestrate the fake electors plot across multiple states, has agreed to sit down with Nevada investigators in hopes of avoiding prosecution there, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.


Tucker says he asked Julian Assange about Seth Rich in prison and says a lot of that stuff is true. 🚨
"He said I'm not going to reveal my sources. But it's pretty clear those files were not hacked by Russia. They were downloaded from within the building. They lied about that. A couple years later, I happened to know some of the people involved in that..I just couldn't see it.. It took me several years to realize just how screwed up this stuff was... A lot of that stuff is true. I mean it too. I'm not speculating at all. The more you know about it, the truer it obviously is. It's right in your face."

Anyone who has done real research into the Julian Asssange Seth Rich situation knows that this was a cover up and justice has yet to be served. We demand the truth about Seth Rich.
@therealroseanne #SethRich

The CIA murders JFK.

The Warren Commission absolves the CIA.

Nixon knows the CIA murdered JFK.

4 of the 5 Watergate burglars work for the CIA.

The CIA frames Nixon for Watergate.

Ford is chosen as Nixon's replacement.

Ford was on the Warren Commission.

How on God's Green Earth can anti-Trump liberals ACTUALLY believe corruption in government STARTED in 2016 BECAUSE of Donald Trump?

The centerpiece of the downward spiral of our nation will always circle around to that fateful day on November 22nd, 1963. The day our own government murdered a sitting U.S. President on live T.V. who tried to push back against the cabal for We, The People, while a compliant media covered it all up & still does to this day.

Corruption is being exposed at the inducted speed of Light.
The public should be FURIOUS!!!

People are starting to realize our government has been corrupt since it's inception & not only was President Trump NOT responsible for that, he's responsible for helping expose that fact.
TDS should be starting to dissappear sooner than later.

Henry Kissinger was an EVIL SON OF A BITCH.I mean EVIL TO THE CORE, easily one of the MOST EVIL MEN TO EVER LIVE.

Look up National Security Study Memoranda 200 from 1974, where Henry was Secretary of State under Nixon. It lines out an agenda for thinning of the herd i.e. “Population Control.” This memorandum specifically outlined plans to depopulate various third world countries so that the United States could go and steal their natural resources.

Henry Kissinger was their NWO MASTERMIND. He once said…“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”Henry is listed as an “influence” to Klaus Schwab on his Wikipedia page, he is also Schwab’s REAL life “mentor.” That should tell you ALL you need to know about him…

He was also Barrack Obama’s shadow, helping give him credibility and thrusting him into the spotlight.

Henry said of President-Elect Obama in 2008 “A New World Order can be created, it’s a great opportunity!”

JUST IN—The "Mystery pneumonia" affecting kids and ripping through China and parts of Europe, is reportedly now in America. 142 child cases of "white lung syndrome" have now been recorded in Warren County, Ohio since August, meaning if true, it's been here for months.CDC officials are saying "nothing is out of the ordinary" but according to county health official "Not only is this above the county average, it also meets the Ohio Department of Health definition of an outbreak."Just in time for election season! Whatever is going on, never again and do not comply.


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