Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Breaking News that Jack Smith and Biden DOJ (with the support of leftist DC judges) obtained sweeping subpoena on American citizens: including "lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by (Trump's
) account, as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account (i.e. 'mentions' or 'replies')" lends further urgency to Congress DEFUNDING NOW this rogue operation. Call your members of Congress now to share your views: 202-225-3121.
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Saw the Good News That The Evil Zionist POS Kissinger is Fucking Dead!!!!!

Fuck That Dude - Yep Another Zionist Jew (Not The Chosen Jews) Fucking Up The World for 50 Years

Jew-Kranians (My New Word for Zionist Ukraines and Jews) aka Zionist Pigs Suck Big Donkey Dicks

***Can't Wait to Piss On His Grave With My "Non-Kosher" Urine

Dom playing a “Role”.(how many more of these influencers are actors?)

What makes a good movie?

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: On August 1, 2023, I spoke with Roger Stone about the ABC news reporter that ‘debunked Pizza Gate’ and how he was affiliated with pedophilia.

This is the same person that Elon Musk shared an article and meme about that was connected to Pizza Gate yesterday

When I first started my fight against the elite culture of child abuse I never expected for them to create a narrative that I was an abuser.

There is nothing more important in my life than playing my role in ending the suffering of children at the hands of some of the most powerful people in the world.

There is more explosive information on Pizza Gate that will be released for the world to witness in the coming days.

Only Together will we will achieve this.
Trump's praising marxist terrorists now. Honored to have their support. Not a word from his worshipers about it.

Trump 2024. Winning hearts and minds, if you have one.
AFU continues to advance around Bahkmut & multiple points other points on the southern front. The orcs are collapsing in real time with company sized units surrendering multiple times a day in addition to the liquidation of 1000s of orcs.

Slava America! Slava Ukraini!

Ol Hank won't be down for breakfast tomorrow and the world will be a better place
Klaus lost one of his advisors. Now it's his turn.

I've heard of RSV my entire life and never before has anyone developed a vaccine for it or HIV. RSV is common among school students returning from summer or fall break. Someone has it and it spreads throughout the schools---just like common colds.

The unfortunate thing is the destruction of the immune system via the Death Jab making it that Big Pharma can vaccinate the world every 6-12 months for something God gave our bodies to defend ourselves against and they destroyed it. Not a big difference in the barbarism between Hamas and Big Pharma. One is simply stealthier and protected. Money talks.

If Trump is reelected the deep state Senate will do everything to block his nominees.

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