This is the first post he’s not laughing at.Whale Whale Whale
Look What FED-BOI Faggot Joined Twitter The Same Time He Started Trolling TFSF
View attachment 205818
His "Followers" Are a Bunch of BOTS
I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Pfucking Pfizer has a “We Love NYC” sign on their HQ. Previously it has been white/blue (Israel) signage yellow/blue (Ukraine) signage, and “science will win” (opposite of God Wins) science. Revelation of the method. A false flag attack on a large voting precinct here in November would certainly scare people into mail in votes, and add a pretext again for the 2024 election to be stolen around the country. Let’s see how this bullshit plays out.
View attachment 206027
Tip of That Hat Bro - Dominating "Foursomes"
Doing Two Chicks At The Same Time is Tough Enough
But Three at a Time - That Is Some Next-Level "Alpha" Shit