The need a war to hide the collapse of the fiat debt-money slave system AND introduce the CBDC to control humanity.

For this playbook to work, they must not only fund and enable both sides to attack each other…
…they must make liberal use of propaganda to incite and enrage both sides to keep the emotions high.
However, this is the first time they’ve attempted this playbook without total control of News/social media.
This is presenting a real problem, as their false propaganda war narratives are not being sustained long enough to achieve full psychological impact in the targeted communities.

For this playbook to work, they must not only fund and enable both sides to attack each other…
…they must make liberal use of propaganda to incite and enrage both sides to keep the emotions high.
However, this is the first time they’ve attempted this playbook without total control of News/social media.
This is presenting a real problem, as their false propaganda war narratives are not being sustained long enough to achieve full psychological impact in the targeted communities.