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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Jul 1, 2023
Putin has gone all in on “Palestine”.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putincalled for the creation of an "independent, sovereign Palestinian state" and accused Israel of having taken by force "native Palestinian" lands."


Dec 1, 2020

I started my political career at Turning Point USA for a reason because I intimately understood how the left had brainwashed me to hold what I now recognize were the wrong positions on virtually everything— from race to human life. Turning Point held the righteous idea that conservatives could win on the basis of our ideas, showing up to debate and changing minds on University campuses.If instead their prevailing philosophy was “all leftist students are irredeemable and should be put on a list for not agreeing with us”, I would have never joined the organization. Conservatives are losing the plot. While I passionately disagree with these students on virtually every issue, putting leftist students on blacklists will all but guarantee that they hold resentment and never come over to our side on any issue. That isn’t a solution, it’s a future problem.


Jan 8, 2021

I started my political career at Turning Point USA for a reason because I intimately understood how the left had brainwashed me to hold what I now recognize were the wrong positions on virtually everything— from race to human life. Turning Point held the righteous idea that conservatives could win on the basis of our ideas, showing up to debate and changing minds on University campuses.If instead their prevailing philosophy was “all leftist students are irredeemable and should be put on a list for not agreeing with us”, I would have never joined the organization. Conservatives are losing the plot. While I passionately disagree with these students on virtually every issue, putting leftist students on blacklists will all but guarantee that they hold resentment and never come over to our side on any issue. That isn’t a solution, it’s a future problem.

Does she want to hire them? They are more likely to complain, quiet quit, ask for discriminatory equity, claim harassment, cause cultural chaos, etc.


Dec 1, 2020

I support free speech, and I ALWAYS will.But I’m not blind.Don’t you find it odd that conservatives need police protection during speeches on college campuses (if the events are allowed to happen at all), while supporters of the Hamas death cult openly call for death and destruction on campuses with no such concerns? So strange.


Jan 9, 2021
We’ve Got a Better Chance of Seeing Epstein’s Client List…Just Saying

View attachment 204169
The problem is Jimbo Fisher needs good or great coaches with him, he got that for a few years at Florida State until they became aware that he is such an asshole and don’t want to work with him, or for him. Screw him


Mar 24, 2023

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/15/23)

#10 - Study hits newly vaccinated with bad news.
#9 - Cancers are devastating students after “vaccine” mandates.
#8 - Rand Paul says lab cover-up will ‘bring Anthony Fauci down.’
#7 - Elon Musk makes bold statement about Hamas on X.
#6 - Animal contraceptive and antibiotics detected in top 10 popular fast-food chains.
#5 - “Upgraded” toxic ingredients are undeniably present in HPV vaccines.
#4 - People are fed up with COVID boosters. Only 2% of Americans have taken the latest shot.
#3 - Dr. “Zev” Zelenko’s bold COVID claims have become undeniably true.
#2 - Pathologist reveals concerning news about “turbo cancers.”
#1 - Ivermectin, the drug once labeled “horse de-wormer,” is now showing 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action.

Repost and follow for more headlines next week. Articles are included in the thread below.

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