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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Jul 9, 2022
We are experiencing overwhelming success during this administration.

Great economy. Great foreign policy.

To get more to the point, what we’re are experiencing now is what I expected when I voted for Trump 2x.
Generally, the fruits of a presidency are either in their second term, or the next ones admin. Such as Bush and the housing crisis.

In this case, many issues of today are from Biden reversing many of Trumps policies, and of course, the industrial military complex, and or, the deep state.

It is a surprise the economy has not died yet, from hyper inflation due to the COVID money printing scheme.

Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump.
Jul 1, 2023
Josh worked for the corporate office of a global, publicly traded company in the south, but his real passion these days was solving crimes that happened two years earlier and hundreds of miles away on Jan. 6, at the U.S. Capitol. Josh’s home sleuthing setup wasn’t anything fancy: just him and his laptop, though he’d switched to a trackball mouse after he started developing symptoms of carpal tunnel “from working my day job all day and hunting insurrectionists by night.”

The halfway mark of the investigation into the Capitol attack — the largest FBI investigation in American history — was fast approaching, and Josh’s community of online sleuths were at the center of it: vacuuming up video, scouring social media, finding fresh faces and new crimes. The FBI was closing in on 1,000 arrests of people who had entered the Capitol or engaged in violence or property destruction that day, and this collection of online investigators — “Sedition Hunters,” they’d branded themselves — had sparked hundreds of those arrests, and aided hundreds more. What’s more, they’d identified more than 700 Jan. 6 participants who had not yet been arrested.

Often, Sedition Hunters like Josh were building entire cases for the FBI from soup to nuts, but the bureau’s rules made it difficult for special agents to offer even basic updates on the status of investigations. The one-way street was frustrating. The best written feedback they could hope for was maybe one word: “received.” One FBI informant was thrilled just to get thumbs-up emojis from her FBI handler.



Jul 27, 2023
Josh worked for the corporate office of a global, publicly traded company in the south, but his real passion these days was solving crimes that happened two years earlier and hundreds of miles away on Jan. 6, at the U.S. Capitol. Josh’s home sleuthing setup wasn’t anything fancy: just him and his laptop, though he’d switched to a trackball mouse after he started developing symptoms of carpal tunnel “from working my day job all day and hunting insurrectionists by night.”

The halfway mark of the investigation into the Capitol attack — the largest FBI investigation in American history — was fast approaching, and Josh’s community of online sleuths were at the center of it: vacuuming up video, scouring social media, finding fresh faces and new crimes. The FBI was closing in on 1,000 arrests of people who had entered the Capitol or engaged in violence or property destruction that day, and this collection of online investigators — “Sedition Hunters,” they’d branded themselves — had sparked hundreds of those arrests, and aided hundreds more. What’s more, they’d identified more than 700 Jan. 6 participants who had not yet been arrested.

Often, Sedition Hunters like Josh were building entire cases for the FBI from soup to nuts, but the bureau’s rules made it difficult for special agents to offer even basic updates on the status of investigations. The one-way street was frustrating. The best written feedback they could hope for was maybe one word: “received.” One FBI informant was thrilled just to get thumbs-up emojis from her FBI handler.



Dec 1, 2020

^^thats a shame^^



Dec 10, 2020

Your parents owned one of the most successful gas station chains in the world, and you fucking go and put spy cameras in the gas stations, the Airbnb on Lake Travis, and about to find your ass in jail?

Fucking idiot!

He could have afforded to pay porn stars to let him film them pee before getting a BJ.

Jul 1, 2023
RFK Jr’s run as an independent has Trump’s team shitting themselves. The vaccine could easily sink him which would be pretty hilarious given how hard his base bit down on that communist propaganda.


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