Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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A very small number of people are telling us we should be praying for Dianne Feinstein and that our celebration of her death is in poor taste.

Fuck that. Forgiveness is between her and God, and she had zero remorse for her actions while alive.

People like her are responsible for disarming thousands of Americans and putting them into positions where they can't defend themselves or their families.

We'll celebrate in exactly the same way when Nancy Pelosi, Beto O'Rourke, Michael Bloomberg, or anyone else of that ilk finally keels over.

Can't happen soon enough.
Stacker Porn

This guy backs up what I said months ago about avoiding fear buying because we're getting into fear selling now. As people are running out of $$$ those who were buying that really couldn't afford to hold long term will be selling at an ever increasing rate. (Including institutional holders)

But just like after the 08-09 panic we'll see a bottom & then a rebound. Long term it's all good, short term is not unless you are buying or able to comfortably hold

And if it all goes completely to shit it won't matter anyway.

What's the speculation on the timing of this, or what the bottom might be? I haven't followed much recently, but are the gold and silver values decreasing significantly if people are now selling?

A very small number of people are telling us we should be praying for Dianne Feinstein and that our celebration of her death is in poor taste.

Fuck that. Forgiveness is between her and God, and she had zero remorse for her actions while alive.

People like her are responsible for disarming thousands of Americans and putting them into positions where they can't defend themselves or their families.

We'll celebrate in exactly the same way when Nancy Pelosi, Beto O'Rourke, Michael Bloomberg, or anyone else of that ilk finally keels over.

Can't happen soon enough.


Just Gave Them a Follow on Twatter
What's the speculation on the timing of this, or what the bottom might be? I haven't followed much recently, but are the gold and silver values decreasing significantly if people are now selling?
Silver/gold both down about 8%-9% vs dollar from peak highs. The big drop is in premiums. As discussed in the video people were getting/paying $35-$40 for silver eagles when spot was only $25 $2,200/oz gold with spot at $1,950.

Don't know about timing except we're already in the retail sell off now. But at the same time China/Japan/etal are in a buying frenzy as their currencies are trying to survive.

Collectible/numismatics same thing. Outside of real collector's pieces we're seeing prices move downward across the board on common dates.

Believe it or not ebay is one of the best gauges of trends in coins as it's an open market place & has a lot of volume traded daily. if you know how to/take the time to search correctly

A very small number of people are telling us we should be praying for Dianne Feinstein and that our celebration of her death is in poor taste.

Fuck that. Forgiveness is between her and God, and she had zero remorse for her actions while alive.

People like her are responsible for disarming thousands of Americans and putting them into positions where they can't defend themselves or their families.

We'll celebrate in exactly the same way when Nancy Pelosi, Beto O'Rourke, Michael Bloomberg, or anyone else of that ilk finally keels over.

Can't happen soon enough.

Why would anyone pray for a dead person? Derp.
Agreed. But culturally, the US has gone far down the road of implying that women should be in the workforce instead of in the home. As a family, you have to choose what's important to you.
I grew up with both parents working and turned out OK except that I will gouge a person in the eyes if they grab my schlong and not fight fair. Goes back to my Dad telling me if you see a fight coming your way, get the first and hopefully only punch in.
I grew up with both parents working and turned out OK except that I will gouge a person in the eyes if they grab my schlong and not fight fair. Goes back to my Dad telling me if you see a fight coming your way, get the first and hopefully only punch in.
Sounds like how the vaccine works.

"It could have been so much worse without getting the jab..."

How could you know what it was like without one parent at home if they both worked? You were a 'product' of politics of the time. A stay-at-home "Mom" was the thread that wove through the fabric of our lives. Family history and cultural norms were instilled by her watchful eye in the next generation. Remove "Mom" and that all goes away.

This has been a very long term plan to destroy the family unit in America beginning with Vatican II:

The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, commonly known as the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, was the 21st ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. The council met in Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City for four periods (or sessions), each lasting between 8 and 12 weeks, in the autumn of each of the four years 1962 to 1965. Preparation for the council took three years, from the summer of 1959 to the autumn of 1962. The council was opened on 11 October 1962 by John XXIII (pope during the preparation and the first session), and was closed on 8 December 1965 by Paul VI (pope during the last three sessions, after the death of John XXIII on 3 June 1963).​
Pope John XXIII called the council because he felt the Church needed "updating" (in Italian: aggiornamento). In order to better connect with people in an increasingly secularized world, some of the Church's practices and teachings needed to be improved and presented in a more understandable and relevant way.[citation needed] Many Council participants were sympathetic to this, while others saw little need for change and resisted. Support for aggiornamento won out over resistance to change, and as a result the sixteen magisterial documents produced by the council proposed significant developments in doctrine and practice: an extensive reform of the liturgy; a renewed theology of the Church, of revelation and of the laity; and new approaches to relations between the Church and the world, to ecumenism, to non-Christian religions, and to religious freedom.[citation needed]​
The council had a significant impact on the Church, due to the scope and variety of issues it addressed.[2]

Church membership was growing until Vatican II. You rarely saw a Hollywood movie without a scene, or two where the main characters went to church before 1962.

"God" was a family value. The Pedophile Priest didn't even register on people's radar.

Just take a gander at California - so goes California, so goes the rest of the nation? Or Pennsylvania's zombie land??

There was no day care facilities back then. I heard they came from the UK where they were the 'norm'?

We get a lot of 'culture' from Britain it seems...

The real question is "Who?" Who implemented this shock to the nation and why?
I grew up with both parents working and turned out OK except that I will gouge a person in the eyes if they grab my schlong and not fight fair. Goes back to my Dad telling me if you see a fight coming your way, get the first and hopefully only punch in.
I did too, but more out of necessity to pay the bills. That's a whole issue in itself regarding the value of the dollar decreasing over time. Why could a person provide for himself, his wife, and multiple kids back in the 50's, but as the years go on, the cost of everything else and the amount of taxes on stuff increases to where most single men can't afford to do the same anymore?

I'm not saying it's bad in any way for women to work. Just that it's easier for children to be influenced negatively when their parents are working way too much, and not present in the home to guide them and discipline them.

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