Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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3 possibilities exist:

1. Fauci convinced the CIA to dishonestly obscure the lab origin of COVID.

2. The CIA convinced Fauci to obscure the lab origin of COVID.


3. An outside entity or person with unlimited monetary resources convinced Fauci to influence the CIA to obscure the lab origin of COVID.

One thing is for certain, Fauci did not visit the CIA to seek the truth but to facilitate and further the cover-up.

All part of the plan. Got an email from the VAdmin this morning saying they plan on using psychedelics to treat Vets for PTSD.

If the trans issue only affects 1% of the people, why foist it on 100% of the nation?

Watch Fetterman appear soon in tuxedoed shorts and hoodie.
I predict he'll be working remotely from his basement.
She has no balls.

The Biden Administration is rewriting the history of COVID. Today, the head of OSHA claimed "we didn't demand that anyone be fired" despite issuing a worker vaccine mandate for 84 million Americans that was struck down by the Supreme Court.

Previously, HHS Secretary Becerra claimed "we didn't force anyone to do anything" despite imposing a toddler mask mandate and Education Secretary Cardona baldly denied his past support for student vaccine mandates.

Is it time to hunt down the Nazis in Canada?

Canada reels on the revelations of what #Trudeau and his deputy #ChrystiaFreeland have done by honouring a known Nazi Waffen SS Officer and War Criminal in the Canadian Parliament.

As further details of Freeland and her families Nazi associations and shared ideologies emerge we take a closer look at the structure of those who are supporting this regime and the organisation that many are likening to a rising new Nazi movement;…

None other than the World Economic Forum whose chairman #KlausSchwab who has his own family ties to Nazi Germany;…

Lets take a closer look at who is connected to the Trudeau Government and their supporters.

One has to ask the question. Do any of the people listed here have any family connections to Nazi Germany or the Ukrainian Nazis? They certainly appear connected to the #WEF2030Agenda #Canada #NaziGate #Nazi

Its time to find out where the 5000 Nazis went in Canada and where their connections are n

If you are more worried about hunting down 90 year old men in Canada then the genocide being committed in Ukraine by the Russians then you are the problem.

The Biden Administration is rewriting the history of COVID. Today, the head of OSHA claimed "we didn't demand that anyone be fired" despite issuing a worker vaccine mandate for 84 million Americans that was struck down by the Supreme Court.

Previously, HHS Secretary Becerra claimed "we didn't force anyone to do anything" despite imposing a toddler mask mandate and Education Secretary Cardona baldly denied his past support for student vaccine mandates.

None of that “forced” those people to do anything. It’s a choice to attend college and the “vaccine mandate” allowed for weekly testing instead of vaccination.

Hell, working by itself is a choice. People could have skirted the whole “vaccine mandate” by simply choosing employment where they worked from home since it only applied to on site employees.

They shouldn't feel anything with the improvements in padding versus what we played with in school in the 60's-80's. No padding in the helmets only the "web" liner which broke with a good hit. One guy in our HS locker room put his hip pads on with the tailbone pad covering his jewels. He got racked big time at practice.

Remove the faceguards and other equipment and play rugby.


^^smartest man Joe knows^^

^^must have had a call from the DOJ^^


They were given 6 weeks notice so it’s not like they were just thrown on the street all of a sudden.

That’s how private business works in a capitalist society. If business owners want to sell / lease their property to government then they have every right to do so.

Frank found a new home. No harm, no foul.
I won’t celebrate until said felonies lead to a conviction. Didn’t do nuffin defense in route and liberal DA will agree.

Libs will say look how remorseful meatball is (just that it got caught) and caught up in the moment. Charges will be dropped, and it can go back to its' JC classes and rebuild its' life.

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