When the truth is totally insane, those speaking it are easy to condemn as crazy. When leaders don’t do their jobs, those who are not paid to lead are expected to do it for them. When doctors & nurses practice politics instead of medicine, those in need suffer & often die.When you allow your children to be on their phones & you don’t warn them or monitor what they do, you are allowing traffickers into their lives & into your home with your blessing. When most of your teachers get indemnity insurance from the radical teachers union, you cannot pretend their radical agenda is not going to find it’s way into every school. Ordinary people have jobs to do. If you want grocery stores shelves to be packed, you need truckers to be truckers & not be standing in the gap because those with the power to do something are doing nothing. Same applies for everything out there. If you are paid to lead, do your job.If you are paid to defend this country, do your job. If the Chinese Communist Party is running police stations & bio labs on US soil, you are obviously failing. If the CIA killed JFK, why has no one done anything about it? If the “Deep State” is really the Senior Executive Service, the SES, why have our leaders allowed it to run rampant, drunk on power, undermining the people for so long? If millions of people know the 2020 election was stolen, why would anyone with half a brain think 2024 and every election that follows will be fair? When you allow pornography to proliferate, you are facilitating the training of women and children on behalf of their traffickers who put them to work, forcing them to perform as they are raped for money. Porn is not just “grooming” - it is training. It is time for the insanity to stop.