Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I’ve been waiting for this movie since February of 2020 when I heard Tim Ballard interviewed on The Candace Owens show. I was listening to it on a walk in my neighborhood and openly weeping as I passed by my neighbors’ houses (and did not care who saw) as he shared his story. Truly amazing story and man (though I remember he was accused of bad intentions on that Great Awakening subreddit years ago but I find that hard to believe since he is exposing so much of the darkness to light).

Tim’s book “Slave Stealers” is also excellent. Highly recommend!

Side note: I hate that Candace changed her show format when she left PragerU. I found out about so many amazing conservatives through her weekly interviews and follow them to this day. Now she just harps on the culture war in daily 30-minute episodes featuring just her. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
I watched 2 1+hr interviews yesterday with Tim and Jim. The Jordan Peterson interview was amazing. Tim was on assignment and was called back by DHS...he said...nah...ill stay and continued on.
Happy Independence Day patriots! Here are two of my favorites to get your 🇺🇸 going today….

The top one reminds me of my uncle. You know you've head of peeps with a "rich uncle". Well mine owns literally tens of thousands of acres of mineral rights in the Permian Basin. Even though he's passed there are still months that my aunt receives 7-figure royalty checks depending on the price of crude - six figures when crude is low.

Anyhow when I was a kid, one year he literally bought the entire Fireworks trailer. Hauls if off to some of their land outside of Midland, TX takes the roof off, and lights that mother-fucker for the 4th of July. One of the most Bauce Independence Day Celebrations I've heard of in my life.

I miss him he was an awesome uncle, like a big-kid life of the party. I'd spend summers with him and my aunt at their citrus grove in the Rio Grande Valley and he helped me get tons of merit badges for Boy Scouts like Fishing, Aviation, Horticulture and more.

Happy Independence Day You Crazy LAC SOBs - Love You All!

4th of July 2023.PNG


The One Cool Thing About America's Birthday....

We're the Only Country That Every Other Country Knows Our Independence Day - All My Colombian Peeps Have Been Telling Me "Feliz Cuatro De Julio"

Thus in the Spirit of International Friendship We Will Include Some Patriotic Colombianas

I’ve been waiting for this movie since February of 2020 when I heard Tim Ballard interviewed on The Candace Owens show. I was listening to it on a walk in my neighborhood and openly weeping as I passed by my neighbors’ houses (and did not care who saw) as he shared his story. Truly amazing story and man (though I remember he was accused of bad intentions on that Great Awakening subreddit years ago but I find that hard to believe since he is exposing so much of the darkness to light).

Tim’s book “Slave Stealers” is also excellent. Highly recommend!

Side note: I hate that Candace changed her show format when she left PragerU. I found out about so many amazing conservatives through her weekly interviews and follow them to this day. Now she just harps on the culture war in daily 30-minute episodes featuring just her. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Also during interview Jordan asked him about the "fact checkers"...he obliterated all claims
Also during interview Jordan asked him about the "fact checkers"...he obliterated all claims

I'll add the Sean Ryan Interview was Awesome!


Blasted Every 3 Letter Agency for Not Coming Clean - They Know But Won't Admit It.

Literally Said, "They Won't Be Able to Walk The Streets"

Went With The Team So He Could "Feel" The Part When Playing the Part - Said He Could Only Stomach One Day

Said There Will Be a Sound of Freedom II - On Haiti - Yep HRC About to Get Exposed

Just a Fucking Solid Dude - Wish We Could Get Him a Sub Here

I Loved the Guy In the Series "Person of Interest" He Was Exposing the 3 Letter Agencies and Corruption in That One Too
I'll add the Sean Ryan Interview was Awesome!


Blasted Every 3 Letter Agency for Not Coming Clean - They Know But Won't Admit It.

Literally Said, "They Won't Be Able to Walk The Streets"

Went With The Team So He Could "Feel" The Part When Playing the Part - Said He Could Only Stomach One Day

Said There Will Be a Sound of Freedom II - On Haiti - Yep HRC About to Get Exposed

Just a Fucking Solid Dude - Wish We Could Get Him a Sub Here

I Loved the Guy In the Series "Person of Interest" He Was Exposing the 3 Letter Agencies and Corruption in That One Too
He will not survive now. Haiti n HRC is a death sentence if ever there were one
So, you can do the ketamine treatment legally in NM. You can also get the Ketamine + psylocibin but you have to obtain the shrooms. Which are legal to grow but not dry and consume or distribute. 🤷‍♂️🙄


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