Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

This has always been the agenda! It started with the homosexual movement. It was always about perversion and having sex with whoever they want!


Harry “Henry” Hay… NAMBLA walks with me sign - in the first “pride” parade.
This lady continues to make an ass of herself. Action speak louder than words. Florida has the best governor in the country. You can be pro trump without doing what she is doing.

I still smell a rat with this desantis/trump stuff.
I think Desantis has been put in place by the establishment and I don’t trust him one bit as a national candidate at this point. He smells of Bush….

Who's paying? Us or them?

Isn't everything sucked up by the NSA? If so, someone is telling secrets.

I’m not 100% on Kennedy because he still holds liberal views I do not but of the list of candidates above, he stands pretty well imo.
I don't agree with anyone on everything regardless of which side of the fence they are on.

After kids it will be animals. You can cash that check now.
Already is. Remember, the 4 Indians who raped the lizard and the Penn State professor who diddled his dog.
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