Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Could the inverse be said for you?
Nope, it couldn't.

I don't believe Trump raped that hideous woman. Don't believe he put kids in cages. Don't believe he "colluded" with Russians. Don't believe he stole national security documents, etc.

What I believe are facts: he put Chris Wray in charge of the FBI. He put Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS. He put hundreds of Mitch McConnell's hand-picked judges on the bench. He built ~20% of his so-called "Wall". He did virtually nothing to help secure elections. He put Bill Barr in possibly the 2nd most powerful position in America. He signed the ban on bump stocks. He criticized DeSantis for being too tough on abortion. On and on.

No embellishment is needed when talking about Trump. The facts speak for themselves.
There is nothing that can be said to defend or diminish an endorsement from Liz Cheney. It's a black and white issue. There is no gray.
That's a foolish statement. She can come out today and endorse anyone without their knowledge or consent.

Can you kindly point out a source, newstory, article, newsclip on youtube, etc that shows she endorsed Desantis?

Apart from the fact Desantis has zero power over most people who may or may not endorse him, Liz Cheney has not in fact endorsed him. She's on record saying she could not endorse him, and last I saw, was still considering running herself. She still might endorse him, because of her hatred of Trump. I seriously doubt any other candidate, DeSantis, Swami, even Haley, would want Cheney's endorsement.
Can you kindly point out a source, newstory, article, newsclip on youtube, etc that shows she endorsed Desantis?

Apart from the fact Desantis has zero power over most people who may or may not endorse him, Liz Cheney has not in fact endorsed him. She's on record saying she could not endorse him, and last I saw, was still considering running herself. She still might endorse him, because of her hatred of Trump. I seriously doubt any other candidate, DeSantis, Swami, even Haley, would want Cheney's endorsement.
Get ready for backlash from a bunch of full blown tards who’ll spin that all somehow.

And that’s not even getting into his absolute ridiculousness with the vaccines that he still to this day spews.

I stopped a vehicle for a minor traffic violation.

When I made contact with the driver I learned he did not have a valid driver's license and was in the United States illegally from Mexico.
I placed him under arrest and called ice to see if they wanted to deport him.
I called for a tow truck and made a inventory of the items inside of the vehicle.
Once I open the trunk on the vehicle I found hundreds of stolen driver's license and social security cards.

I was reprimanded for my actions and sent to a cultural diversity training class.

That's a foolish statement. She can come out today and endorse anyone without their knowledge or consent.

Can you kindly point out a source, newstory, article, newsclip on youtube, etc that shows she endorsed Desantis?

Apart from the fact Desantis has zero power over most people who may or may not endorse him, Liz Cheney has not in fact endorsed him. She's on record saying she could not endorse him, and last I saw, was still considering running herself. She still might endorse him, because of her hatred of Trump. I seriously doubt any other candidate, DeSantis, Swami, even Haley, would want Cheney's endorsement.

There is nothing foolish about calling out anything Liz Cheney says or does as being what it is: uniparty establishment bullshit.

I don't know if she has endorsed him. I don't pay much attention to losing campaigns. I do know she has spoken fondly of him in the past.

If you think about it, Dominion has all the leverage in the world. They have the ultimate kill switch. They have all the evidence to show what they’ve been doing and who for.
There is nothing foolish about calling out anything Liz Cheney says or does as being what it is: uniparty establishment bullshit.

I don't know if she has endorsed him. I don't pay much attention to losing campaigns. I do know she has spoken fondly of him in the past.

Typical Trumper nonsense. Throw up some strawmen and/or feign ignorance. Fitting, given that any Trump campaign is built on lies.

Perfect exhibition of how Trump doesn't just have supporters, he has fanatics.
Cautionary tale. George Conway lost his soul to anti-Trumpism (I say this as a Desantis supporter). He destroyed his family completely. Was it worth it??? Over Donald Freaking Trump???
Why not just ignore him George?? Why wasn't your relationship with your wife more important than politics?

Cautionary tale. George Conway lost his soul to anti-Trumpism (I say this as a Desantis supporter). He destroyed his family completely. Was it worth it??? Over Donald Freaking Trump???
Why not just ignore him George?? Why wasn't your relationship with your wife more important than politics?

The way people go crazy attacking him and defending him is nuts. Lunatics all around.

ETA: this chick is definitely fuckin nuts.
The way people go crazy attacking him and defending him is nuts. Lunatics all around.

ETA: this chick is definitely fuckin nuts.
I never understood why people could not just say to themselves, "Well that is just Trump and how he is." Why do they have to react with such emotion. Just ignore him sometimes if you disagree.

Everybody has to do that with difficult people in their lives every single day.
There are countless videos of the 2nd plane hitting the tower from many angles. Live on TV. It's not CGI.
and exactly where did those videos originate?

How difficult would it be to 'originate' those videos from one source proficient in CGI who then distributes them as if they were from different people/cameras/locations?

Planning is everything.

Just as for 60 years we all 'beLIEved that JFK was assassinated by a loan gunman from a book depository - and this was way before CGI became 'a thing'....
She had sex 13 times

America's heroic woman

We're doooooomed


^^My state rep Dan Stec, good guy, even Dems respect him^^ !!^^


^^I don't need Texas trash like Lee tell me I need criminals in my neighborhood, she wants, she can have them

^^this cat is a bigger fraud than Beto^^

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