All right mortgage, I know you’re single now, starting to worry about you a little.
Neighbor did the same, my daughter went over to make sure they were okay. She understood what it meant but wanted to be sure. Turns out he was a Navy vetAfter the 2020 election, my wife put ours upside down on our front flagpole on our house and we left it there for a couple of months before we flipped it back over.
This wasn’t parkour—this was …These people that do parkour can jump from pretty crazy heights with a roll and keep going. Fun to watch. Good skill to develop if you want to be a criminal
This wasn’t parkour—this was …
Yep. Mother Fucker jumped off the 3rd story building, like a goddamn alien.Like the alien in the opening scene of the first men in black?
Thank you for your service, and thank you for sharing your thoughts.I have a serious question. I have been on the page since Jan 8, 2021. I came over when the TMB over at Rivals began censoring many people. I immediately gained a great deal of respect for Croot and his cohorts for putting this site together and maintaining it. I contribute money every month. I have had a massive education of how the world works and have learned how precious and fragile our country is. I’ve always been an optimist and worked hard to support my family. I have one kid out of college and managed to get her through without borrowing a dime. I have a son that is two years from being out of school and I will work my ass off to ensure he has no debt. (I am finally getting to my point). Now, I find my optimism waning and my fear and anxiety growing. I have become very pessimistic and cynical. I see what has happed over the last 40 years in our country and I ask myself is it too late to save ourselves and our country? In my heart I feel the southern boarder will be the final straw to our republic. The boarder coupled with out of control spending, involvement in wars that have no benefit four our country will/has bankrupted us. I won’t even mention COVID and it’s effect on our economy and our friends and families. This site has given me so much knowledge, laughs and a few friendships. But now what I read seems insurmountable. I can no longer see the way forward to correct these problems. I find myself so depressed and anxious of what the future holds. I turn out the light at night and toss and turn for hours. I’m 60 years old and served in the USAF. I’ve lost both of my own parents and even though I have a wonderful wife of 31 years, I can’t seem to express the fear I have for my families long term future. I guess what I am asking is, are there others of you that feel these pressures? For any one that read this entire post, I appreciate it. I would like to hear from others and how you process the daily events that seem to push us closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. Maybe this needs to be a stand alone topic, I don’t know, but I do feel there are many of you going through the same fear and anxiety. Thanks for taking the time to read this
I'm behind so this may have been said already but Modelo is owned by AB.Modello has been my recent go to if I can’t get something local since it’s independent in the US.
Been drinking yuengling alsoI'm behind so this may have been said already but Modelo is owned by AB.
AB InBev - Wikipedia
It’s quite possible. And only one was not a sick, rotten, soulless asshole. That one was “suicided”.
It works..and never gets oldTotally agree.........
This doesn't really pertain but it's been a while since I posted it as a reply to one of your posts.
View attachment 181911
Dan's a good oneLooks like Bongino made a great investment in Rumble.
Rumble Posts Revenue Growth Of 336%
Rumble is the only free speech-dedicated company to go public and so its growth is worth
Not gonna read the article. Hannity is shit.That tells you everything you need to know about Hannity if you already didn’t know...
I'm behind so this may have been said already but Modelo is owned by AB.
AB InBev - Wikipedia
Over 1mil have leftDo the math dumbass. Over 300K people have left NY since the covid scheme so you have plenty of room for a couple hundred thousand more.