Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
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It appears that despite the public pronouncements of divesting from the WHO or tweets about standing up to the globalists, the Trump administration continues to push the agenda to vaccinate every person on the planet.

It appears that despite the public pronouncements of divesting from the WHO or tweets about standing up to the globalists, the Trump administration continues to push the agenda to vaccinate every person on the planet.
Fucking morons.
On Trump selling the vaccine. He wanted to save as many Americans as he could. Knew smart people wouldn't do it and thought if he told the communist to do it they wouldn't believe him, leaving them not do it. Now it's just a fuck you to the ones that didn't believe him.
Not interested in his debauchery. That’s a side show. Focus on his father/family whoring him out to every other foreign nation for pay to play scheme

Subpoena Hunter or stfu
If they were to do this is what you will hear. Corrupt AG Garland assigned a prosecutor to investigate and then slow-walked it as well as underfundedgiphy (96).gif him.
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