Court Hearing Set for Lawsuit over California Sec of State’s Censorship of Judicial Watch YouTube Election Integrity Video Just Before 2020 Election - Judicial Watch
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that District Court Judge Maame Ewusi-Mensah Frimpong will hold a hearing on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. PT on a Motion to Dismiss brought by the California Secretary of State in the lawsuit Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Shirley Weber, in her...www.judicialwatch.org
Amy DiSibio rips wind company’s ‘strange conclusion’ claiming turbines have ‘no link’ to whale deaths | Fox Business Video
ACK for Whales Board Member Amy DiSibio joined ‘Mornings with Maria’ to discuss the push to pause offshore wind farms following a slew of recent whale deaths.video.foxbusiness.com
Dishwashers join growing list of home appliances targeted by Biden climate warriors
Critics fear administration's "energy efficiency standards" for household appliances will raise costs, reduce performance, kill jobs, disproportionately impact low-income families.justthenews.com
I’ve always hated those peloton faggots
I flipped through CNN and caught the breakdown with Byron donalds and they just started with the lies and BD absolutely blasted them out.It doesn’t matter to them. The propaganda was propagated.
Whats the wildlife like in there? Hadn't stepped foot in one in years. The place gives me the heebeegeebees. Skol!Yesterday, I posted about egg prices. I was at WalMart checking out cheap work clothing and took a stroll through their grocery store. The prices they were charging for the same products at local grocery stores was impressive. The same brand of cereal at the local grocery was $6.49 yesterday AM and at Walmart in the afternoon was $4.79. The eggs were $5 for 36 eggs while 18 eggs at the local store was $3.89. I'm guessing the eggs at each store come from the same farm just placed in different packaging. I noticed similar differential in prices on many other products I buy. It was enough to make me believe my household could save $50-60+ per month shopping there versus the local grocery. Gas, however, was cheaper at the local store v Walmart. $2.85 v $3.19.
What's it mean?
Same groups of people I see at local grocery stores which is just a reflection of the community. I was amused that their potato selections were much less quality than elsewhere, however, the rest of the produce looked good and was plentiful. Passed through the meat section but didn't really look at quality or price. Their dessert selection and bakery was much better than local stores.Whats the wildlife like in there? Hadn't stepped foot in one in years. The place gives me the heebeegeebees. Skol!
I don’t know what the fuck this means, but it sounds important.
It sounds like if you got the job, you’re more fucked than a prostitute in a Mexican whore-house on dollar day.
Thats cool. I prefer mom and pops, local meats and when in season local produce. If i cant get it here i have found some places on line that cater to my need for 'merica first and Patriot owned. Wal-mart hawks chinese shit and i cant abide. Skol!Same groups of people I see at local grocery stores which is just a reflection of the community. I was amused that their potato selections were much less quality than elsewhere, however, the rest of the produce looked good and was plentiful. Passed through the meat section but didn't really look at quality or price. Their dessert selection and bakery was much better than local stores.
If I have several items, food, clothing, automotive, toys, etc., to get I'll go there rather than go to multiple stores. If only 1 item, I will go to the local store. I found a store called Five Below has great savings on telephone accessories - chargers, cases, etc. Not named brand but works and 1/2 - 1/3 the cost.