Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
So I have a dumb question…

I’m a pure blood.

Traveling internationally this summer for work to a nation that does not require COVID jab.

Does this mean I can’t return to my home nation without a COVID jab???
Not applicable for us citizens but you may have to have a PCR test before coming back also check the country you are visiting for rules.
Heres what I hope the plan is.

Kennedy red pills a portion of the Dems. He loses the primary.

Kennedy switches parties and is named the VP with Trump, bringing a portion of red pilled Dem votes with him.

Prophecy fulfilled.
RFK jr. is liberal as fvck on guns and abortion but I could see him getting a ton of votes. I'd like to see some Republicans in open primary states cross over and vote for Kennedy. No matter what happens the DNC will pick the "winner" on their side.

Roo is good for now. Meds stopped, but still on the heart monitor.
****on a happier note*****

Last night was senior night. The last ever hs senior night I'll ever get to celebrate. (Happy, dammit!!!).

Oakwood won 15-4. Max was waiting to bust out his stick and cleats. And I laughed my ass off when I realized that max, mine and my husband's height differential was exactly the same, with Max taking a knee and I was on my tippy toes. 😂😂😂.
(Sun was dead on in our eyes).

16 days and counting til he's done. We have successfully raised 4 humans to adulthood. My life as I've known it is almost complete. I'll be a ridiculous mess for a few days in August and then our new life begins. Can't wait.
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adding to this. Yes, I'm quoting myself. If you have a problem with it....bite me. 😂

Boys got their ass handed to them today by a team they should have easily beat. But as we (my husband and I. Max has never played fb or lax without one of us being there) rushed to get to the game from yet another friend's funeral (Max loved this man and he loved Max. They were golf buddies and The Man was one of my husbsnd's best friends ) the loss meant nothing. Everybody was wtf??? when we showed up in a dress and heels (me) and a suit (my husband). . Oakwood only scored 5 goals. Max had 3 of them and he'll be the first to tell you he played like shit. (He did) And none of us really care. We lost a great man. He would have been your best friend and his laugh was infectious. And he would take your money (or pay you) happily. His cousin (retired priest) delivered the most beatiful sermon with the most direct breakdown of psalms 23 I've ever heard. And I was raised southern Baptist. We kinda read along and highligh and take notes 😂.

This sermon was beatiful and grabbed me. You do not wallk through the valley of death, it's just a shaddow of the valley. Minor details 🙄😂🥰

That all said...I need to restart this year and make it all better. Frankly...this year fucking sucks. I'm sick of going to funerals.

Hug your wife /gf/bf/wtfe/kids /friends. Tell them you love them. And make them hear you.

I love y'all something fierce.

And we know Dougie is up there playing the most beatiful courses with Joe ....and there are no frigging dandelions. Not a single sprout.

(The service started off with asking anybody who had played golf with Doug to raise their hand. 2/3 of of the room raiaed their hands. was asked for anybody who had indulged in adult beverages (Ahem...bud heavy and bourbon). we all just stood up and laughed...including his wife. ). That should tell you who this man was and how great he was. If you knew him, you loved him.
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RFK jr. is liberal as fvck on guns and abortion but I could see him getting a ton of votes. I'd like to see some Republicans in open primary states cross over and vote for Kennedy. No matter what happens the DNC will pick the "winner" on their side.

Was listening to Rogan interviewing Shellenberger and Rogan starting talking about how Obama was the greatest president ever.

Joe is still a fucking clueless ape

I'm still dumbfounded that I've not seen a single bit of footage of all this carnage that is being inflicted upon Ukraine.
I remember being small and watching live video of reporters imbedded with troops in the jungles of VM.
Now with all this technology and 10's of millions of camera phones in Ukraine itself, we don't have any video of this conflict.
I'm still dumbfounded that I've not seen a single bit of footage of all this carnage that is being inflicted upon Ukraine.
I remember being small and watching live video of reporters imbedded with troops in the jungles of VM.
Now with all this technology and 10's of millions of camera phones in Ukraine itself, we don't have any video of this conflict.
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