Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

^^should have used the jackhammers on the wrists^^


^^but the children^^

6^doesn't effect him^^

^^but the children^^

6^doesn't effect him^^

Bullshit #’s
^^should have used the jackhammers on the wrists^^

Just leave the morons glued to the street and let the cars loose. Just like an animal hit by cars, after 20-30 hits the buzzards clean what's left down to the pavement. As an alternative, leave the cut chunks of concrete on their hands and toss them in the ocean or nearest river.

You hope so. However, many of the governing/licensing bodies for MDs are on board with these surgeries. The licenses removed recently were those of MDs who would not give the Death Jabs or gave out Ivermectin/HCQ. These medical bodies are for the most part political wings of the democrat party. I doubt many will lose their licenses. Lawsuits are something different.
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