Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I don't know about you Yahoos that got schooled in Norma, Athens, Cole-Slaw Carolina, and other Podunk towns.

But I learned that BC meant "Before Christ" and "AD" mean "After Death" of Christ.

Now I'm reading something and it is 800 CE

These fucks are saying BCE/CE or "Before Common Era" and "Common Era"

What a bunch of shit.
Cole-slaw Carolina checking in...learned the same as you @MortgageHorn 🙂
I've always said true feminism is the freedom of choice.

Women that judge other women for choosing the difficult path of raising children aren't engaging in the purest form of sisterhood.

It's absolute bullshit for one woman to tell another woman she should be ashamed for the path she chose.

This photo cracks me up every time you post - seeing a coach of some very good football teams sucking on a Marlboro Red watching his players practice

Trump is terrified of DeSantis. The world and the country are falling apart, and he can't help himself, attacking someone who has nothing to do with any of the real issues.
Good God you’re a fucking retard. Seriously what did you do for a living? I want to know through your vast experience in world events gives you this retarded take.

that will teach him to talk shit about the CCP


All you need to know about Ukraine, Deep States ATM

Who the fuck invests in an "Active War Zone"?
The Dylan Mulvaneys of the world are making a mockery of womanhood. It seems the womenfolk are mostly ok with that. If that cocksucker walked out of a womens restroom and lets say i am waiting on my daughter to exit im beating his ass as an American man. I will ask for forgiveness later. Thats the reaction we need from our womanfolk too. Make them outcasts. Social pariahs. Banish them from the village to wander the wild never to return. Come on suffragettes, where is your outrage now? SKOL!

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