Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
There are many here who simply ignore reality and give Trump a universal pass. They willfully ignore the truth, they don't want to face it.

Hey, remember all that effort Trump put into securing elections, even after Trump himself said Mitt Romney really won in 2012, the dems cheated him out of it? Exactly.

Let's forget Trump brought in Larry Fink for his covid response, offered Bill Gates a job, hired Karl Rove, continuously pumps up Lindsay Graham, and so on. And this cycle he's hired an army of consultants to help us forget that he could've already done the things he's promising now 4 years ago, when he was busy giving Mitch McConnell his judges and Kim Kardashian's latest cause celebre pardons.
He thought he could blitz his way past the cheating like he did in 2016. Dems we’re not going to let that happen.
He must be running out of TANG by now.

Spit-Out My Drink!

Yea like that's what they needed to be hyped up on "orange sugar" in a space capsule about the size of a Smart-Car.

Fucking NASA was so brilliant.

Wonder which fucking bureaucrat had the "Rights" and/or Patent on "Tang"

Admittedly not only did I drink that shit I'd eat it too.

“Kill Everyone Now!” Wyoming Democrat Lawmaker Posts Video Calling for Politically Motivated Murders – Posts Threatening Photo on Social Media (VIDEO)​


“Kill Everyone Now!” Wyoming Democrat Lawmaker Posts Video Calling for Politically Motivated Murders – Posts Threatening Photo on Social Media (VIDEO)​

I'm ready let's fucking get it on - enough reconciling/retreating!

Slaughter them!


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