Let me have your DNA so I can test it. Thanks.
The Feds paid incentives to the hospitals to report it that way - and to intubate, use Remdesivir, etc., while refusing HCQ, Ivermectin, etc.
I know - preaching to the choir, but that has had me so--ooo-ooo pissed through this whole ordeal.
The entire health-care industry has lost my trust.
Glad I learned how to fly a plane - may have to dust off the logbook and get a check-ride again just in case.
Bill "I Want To Inject You With Poison" Gates has also pulled out of the WEFer's NAZI conference.
Prostitutes gather in Davos for annual meeting of global elite
Sex worker Salome Balthus (pictured) is staying in a hotel near Davos throughout the summit attended by the world's most influential leaders and businessmen.www.dailymail.co.uk
The airlines are going to be forced by their insurance carriers to mandate each flight has at least one unJabbed pilot on board. I don't think the insurance industry is sitting back and waiting for a calamity to happen before minimizing its risks and exposure.Makes you hesitant to entertain paying the ridiculous cost of a plane flight with people that have had the heart attack vax forced on them flying the planes. I think Ill stay grounded for a while.
I don't disagree on the violation of Hippocratic oath, but it was all dictated/incentivized by the Feds w/ the threat of loss of funding.It's two fold. One is what you said. The second is before any of the above occurred. They deliberately used the power of government at all levels to enforce their genocide all the while knowing the truth. Then conspired with the medical profession to ignore and violate their Hippcratic Oaths by withholding treatment or in some cases threatening reprisals if proper medical care was used.