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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
You are a lunatic. Oh, and hug a lunatic!
There you go

Hugs for zionism!

Please, with all your might, combat anti-semitism tmwr. If you see a Christian please buy a cross and I'll bring the nails!

In this together, for judaism!

We have no greater friend, just ask the anti-semites on the USS liberty!

The chosen and Goy together, forever!


Nov 27, 2021
Bakhmut has fallen. Russia pushing forward across the whole front.

Ukrainian soldiers against Zelensky: We will hang you in Kiev!​

Ukraine has suffered 70% casualties a battalion a day in Bakhmut and Zelensky says keep fighting.



Nov 27, 2021
Mutiny In The Ranks Beginning In Ukraine Now It Seems.

‼️🇺🇦🏴‍☠️70% of the company killed or wounded: paratroopers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine recorded a panic appeal

“We are passing this appeal to the command of the landing troops and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the 3rd airmobile company of a separate airmobile battalion of the 25th Secheslav airmobile brigade.
We were sent to carry out a combat mission to hold individual combat positions. We did not receive proper weapons and artillery support. As a result, 70% of the company was killed or wounded. We did not have and do not have military equipment and proper weapons. We didn’t even have equipment for evacuating the wounded, which is why several of the wounded did not survive.
We spent more than a month in the trenches, transmitting coordinates on which the artillery never fired. The platoon sergeants fled their positions in the early days, and were transferred by Chief of Staff Kipinach, now serving as battalion commander.
We demand the transfer of the entire unit."


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