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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Dec 7, 2022
Fellow Spartan here (although not too proud of it lately)

Used to think the antivax crew was crazy but now looking to do the same for my youngest. Where have you found unbiased safety data on the vaccines that doesn’t take a scientist to interpret? When I search I feel like all I find is establishment propaganda.
You're going about it wrong. Instead of looking for the data that the vaccine is dangerous, look at the data showing its safe. When your realize it consists of trials of 8 mice, you'll have your answer. It is THEIR job to demonstrate its safety and efficacy; not merely tell us it's safe and effective, gaslighting the public and demonizing anyone who dissents.

Drug trials cost a lot of money. The types of trials necessary to demonstrate efficacy and safety, or lack thereof, cost millions. It's the responsibility of the drug company to spend that money and pass the trials. They have not done that. In fact, the initial trial did just the opposite. Just look at Pfizer's own safety and efficacy data (not statements, but the data) and read through the voluminous side effects.


Dec 10, 2020
A full grown Navy fucking SEAL blames doctors for his mental illness… 🤡 🌎



Jan 9, 2021
I will never understand the parents who take their children to these shit shows.

I’ll do you one better, why the fuck is anyone going to watch that shit.

If you’re a dude or dudette without purple, blue, or green dye in your hair….

Why the fuck are you watching some retard named Dave who calls himself Diane dance?

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