Oh yea...I know..we all know...and it's gloriousEveryone in this thread has been saying that for years. Now it's open for public consumption should people want to wade through the censorship. It's in a shareable format you can send to friends and family from an official website and not justthenews or some other outlet they typically dismiss.
PT Barnham goes to Wall Street..,Watched the idiot Cramer on TV at the gym this morning. Says not to worry, he has complete trust in Powell as fed chairman since he has been right since 2018.
Thinks Europe will have a hard recession, we won't, and Europe's recession won't have an effect on our economy. He and Krugman separated at birth
I think the rat is storing up for winter. skol!Possibly lymphoma
Here I was thinking he was Antifa, when instead he’s got elephantiasis and is Antifa.Possibly lymphoma
Based on what? For what? How on earth can this be justified?
Bongino and Solomon have said that for 5 years
He really was the nicest guy. He didnt know what to think of me but he was a champ. Had a similar effect on the good Dr. Malone. But once the ice was broken they open right up. haha SKOL!Did you see that shady looking mofo in Alaska he was galavanting around and taking pictures with a month or two ago? Haha! Skol!
This is where the circle️ had to be closed at some point, and what I feared for years wasn't going to happen with a less than committed and/or honest IG and prosecutors :
The FBI would just claim that Hillary and Danchenko and McCain and Harry Reid and Steel outsmarted them. They they (the FBI) were duped
The possibility of that ploy now being successful seems much more remote
The " hey, we're kinda stupid at the FBI , and these politicians are super shrewd when they want to be and they tricked us into spying on DT, so you can't blame us " was bullshit all along, but proving it is the only way the FBI / DOJ actors pay a price for their actions
People need a device to instantly fry your phone when they ask for it I guess.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
605 E 21st Oxford was cross streetWe were neighbors. My first house was 18th and Courtlandt.
Heights High School
We have come full circle.