Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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My buddy at work was looking at his sample ballot yesterday ( he voted for her). Her Wikipedia page starts with -

Laura Elizabeth Loomer (born May 21, 1993[1]) is an American far-right and anti-Muslim political activist,[a] white nationalist,[2][3][4][5] conspiracy theorist,[6][7] and internet personality.

Scroll down a little bit and you find out she is Jewish. That’s right, a Jewish nazi.

So is Ben Shapiro
I think it is the same drought cycle that wiped out the Aztec's and the Pueblo people. It is a 1000-1200 year cycle.
If true much of the west will be uninhabitable for millions. The Ogallala Aquifer is going dry also.

What this country needs are large nuclear-powered desalination plants on the coasts to pump water to large interior cities like Las Vegas, Phoenix, SLC, Denver, Dallas, etc. That would take a lot of pressure off of the aquifers.

This is where you drop Trump

He was lead cheerleader for the jabs

You can enjoy the blatant hypocrisy of the sweethearts and not have to take the shrapnel for sticking with Trump

I think this is a fakeout and there not going to admit the jabs were lethal and attach it to Trump
Trump was against vaccine mandates. The entire discussion is neutered if people have a choice in whether to get the vaccine or not. For many people, the vaccine was worth the risk compared to covid.

There is nothing wrong with developing the vaccines that we could at the time at the speed they were developed, provided everyone had a choice to take them. This is true for all novel medical breakthroughs.
My son graduated from Purdue in 2019 and is a turf science guy. He’s an assistant superintendent at a private golf club in Charlotte and loves what he does. Very little liberal indoctrination at Purdue according to his 4 year experience.
Same for Auburn, not the case at UGA, turned my niece into a bleeding heart liberal and a handful of kids of my friends as well. I’d rather pay out of state tuition.
In that video with Greg hunter the doctor at the 1hour 6 minute mark talks about UV light to clean or disinfect the blood. One of those hidden medical procedures that the LAC talked about a few years ago. Another 'break through' that was shelved by the scumbag Rockefeller conglomerate. These people have been poisoning and killing us for decades maybe even longer. She also goes on to point out something else we have known the medical community is in for major lawsuits and ultimately bankruptcy. Good, then we can hunt down and hang these evils pricks. Every hospital has these people still working in them and still hiding the data. Along with the other scumbags these evil fucks wont be able to walk their streets anymore either. SKOL!
Isn’t that why newborns with jaundice go under the light?
This is where you drop Trump

He was lead cheerleader for the jabs

You can enjoy the blatant hypocrisy of the sweethearts and not have to take the shrapnel for sticking with Trump

I think this is a fakeout and there not going to admit the jabs were lethal and attach it to Trump

Trial balloon to see how it plays.

If the woman in the video above is correct, there won't be any hiding it.
Isn’t that why newborns with jaundice go under the light?
I honestly don't know. I would have to find that old article from the 1950's about what all this doctor found with this therapy. Kind of like the frequency healing therapy. We don't know what we don't know. All we have is a evil medical conglomerate hiding the truth that we only see glimpses of. Maybe medbeds are real. I doubt we will ever know if the current medical regime stays in control. SKOL!
What this country needs are large nuclear-powered desalination plants on the coasts to pump water to large interior cities like Las Vegas, Phoenix, SLC, Denver, Dallas, etc. That would take a lot of pressure off of the aquifers.
Don’t even need nuclear energy. Check out wave energy desalinization. Bouys in the ocean waves pump the water and generate the required electricity.
Yeah, in Europe they insist on giving you the jab before they euthanize your ass. The Rockefeller Medical Conglomerate has no more use for a cure for cancer than they do for you. They had him hoodwinked, coming and going, and now he is fucked. Sorry to hear but these tails are just going to become more and more prevalent. What a shit show.
What this country needs are large nuclear-powered desalination plants on the coasts to pump water to large interior cities like Las Vegas, Phoenix, SLC, Denver, Dallas, etc. That would take a lot of pressure off of the aquifers.

Trump was against vaccine mandates. The entire discussion is neutered if people have a choice in whether to get the vaccine or not. For many people, the vaccine was worth the risk compared to covid.

There is nothing wrong with developing the vaccines that we could at the time at the speed they were developed, provided everyone had a choice to take them. This is true for all novel medical breakthroughs.
His job was to get his supporters to take the jab and then let Biden waltz in and handle the mandates

There is nothing right about these "vaccines"

The virus was the marketing mechanism to get to the jabs

There was absolutely nothing spontaneous about the entire ordeal let alone the miraculous, buzzer beating, for our safety, in this together jabs

Had he supported mandates he would have no base and be entirely irrelevant as that would have given away the game

Hope you're enjoying these "novel medical breakthroughs"

Think you would have due with an orange and walk in the sun
at the 12 minute mark is where she starts to lay this ALL out. Not like the LAC didn't know or try to warn those of you who ended up taking it. It's bad news all the way around and millions are just now realizing what we have always known. This was all BS. From the fake non-existent virus to the death shot they had ready to cure the fake virus. Millions have been played. Not gonna say it but Dan Bongino should have known better or he is just not very bright. SKOL!

Did I hear her correctly? Even if not vaxxed the spike protein shedding contaminates those of us not vaxxed?
His job was to get his supporters to take the jab and then let Biden waltz in and handle the mandates

There is nothing right about these "vaccines"

The virus was the marketing mechanism to get to the jabs

There was absolutely nothing spontaneous about the entire ordeal let alone the miraculous, buzzer beating, for our safety, in this together jabs

Had he supported mandates he would have no base and be entirely irrelevant as that would have given away the game

Hope you're enjoying these "novel medical breakthroughs"

Think you would have due with an orange and walk in the sun
Your TDS has reached level Stupid.
I have IVM but surely the mRNA that’s causing the clots etc doesn’t pass through shedding right?
It does not sound reasonable for these clots et al to be from ingesting spike proteins shed from others. I've never heard of that although it would not be surprising if there was active research in the BioLabs and other sites to develop aerosol Demon Spikes sort of like asbestos. Have they impregnated the masks with this virus to keep it going? It's mostly the sick still wearing masks. If they are not changing them while ill and reusing masks containing shed viruses they are doing it to themselves. Again, wouldn't surprise me to see China or someone else try to spread microbes around the planet through masks. They did it once and likely before.
I think that is what she is saying. They are constantly and consistently getting sick. Thus apt to spread shit. My best guess. And get some Ivermectin. SKOL!
I think what she is saying is that the vaxed shed MRNA, not the viruses they're picking up from their weakened immune systems. There are a lot of people who believe MRNA is converting to prions in the body and causing neurodegenerative diseases by crossing the brain blood barrier. And that these people can shed these proteins and others can pick them up. I don't particularly buy into it, but that is a common belief.
I think what she is saying is that the vaxed shed MRNA, not the viruses they're picking up from their weakened immune systems. There are a lot of people who believe MRNA is converting to prions in the body and causing neurodegenerative diseases by crossing the brain blood barrier. And that these people can shed these proteins and others can pick them up. I don't particularly buy into it, but that is a common belief.
I think what she is saying is that the vaxed shed MRNA, not the viruses they're picking up from their weakened immune systems. There are a lot of people who believe MRNA is converting to prions in the body and causing neurodegenerative diseases by crossing the brain blood barrier. And that these people can shed these proteins and others can pick them up. I don't particularly buy into it, but that is a common belief.

I have a hard time believing these autoimmune, neurological, and massive synthetic blood clots could be spread through the air.
I think what she is saying is that the vaxed shed MRNA, not the viruses they're picking up from their weakened immune systems. There are a lot of people who believe MRNA is converting to prions in the body and causing neurodegenerative diseases by crossing the brain blood barrier. And that these people can shed these proteins and others can pick them up. I don't particularly buy into it, but that is a common belief.
The disinfo is flying in all directions

Probably bs and if true there isn't much to do about it
The country is at stake why don't you specifically point out where you disagree and why

Let's not conduct ourselves like the opposition
Ok. Trump will come out unscathed.

He was lied to by the Deep State De-Population gang.

Trump is our only hope in the next election.

I could type a 2 page diatribe but I’m on my phone.

You hate Trump. It’s ok you can admit it.

You will find any excuse to discredit him.

I disagree.

You want us to have a civil gentlemany discussion but it’s not needed.

You think Trump is Deep State. I don’t.

Pretty simple.
I don't know but Dan Bongino should have been wide ass awake. I can't believe he took hat shit after knowing all he supposedly knows about the deep state/cabal. How far ahead was the LAC from the normies? Years, err, decades it seems.
He had just gotten diagnosed and starting chemo and was told if he contracted covid during that treatment he would likely die. The guy is a patriot 100%
Ok. Trump will come out unscathed.

He was lied to by the Deep State De-Population gang.

Trump is our only hope in the next election.

I could type a 2 page diatribe but I’m on my phone.

You hate Trump. It’s ok you can admit it.

You will find any excuse to discredit him.

I disagree.

You want us to have a civil gentlemany discussion but it’s not needed.

You think Trump is Deep State. I don’t.

Pretty simple.
Lol ok

Where is trumps' statement about being lied to by the deep state? Where is his mea culpa for abdicating to lord fauci and trumpeting the vaxxes literally every day of the farce?

Fundamentally, here's your problem

2016 outsider Trump overcomes voter fraud and shocks the deep state

2020 entrenched Trump is ousted via massive amounts of voter fraud (I believe this to be true)

2024 outsider Trump presents the only hope to entering back into the system
And can overcome the fraud

The elections are rigged and the deep state doesn't let lethal threats to themselves into office

Instead of this implausible story there is the elephant in the room....he's deep state, controlled opposition and an enemy of the people

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