Looks awesome brother. I'm quite jealous of your current situation there! I really need to get another trip up to Alaska. It's been a few years since I've filled my freezer with halibut, salmon, and rockfish.70 pounds of halibut filets and day 2 is done. Beer and freedom burgers and maybe a little nookie from the shield maiden on the docket. SKOL!
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I've only had the flu a couple times also, and one of them was the one year I got the flu shot as well. Coincidence?You and I both. 36. Had the flu once, about 2 days after the I received the flu shot when having our first child 7 years ago. Never before, never after. Coincidence and such
I've only had the flu a couple times also, and one of them was the one year I got the flu shot as well. Coincidence?
Manure pile
He didn’t say anything that wasn’t the truth. Maybe to harsh for your taste but I actually liked it. Why can’t we be truthful and pissed that they vote for this and we suffer??Responses like this don't increase the size of our tent. She's been wrong but she is getting this one right and I give her credit for saying it.
What’s the big deal?
Single moms club is dead set on trying to deter and ruin that.
Wonder if something personal was going on here? Otherwise, can’t see why he didn’t put 2 in his head.I mean, the guy already tried running him over once, I probably wouldn't stand right in front of him in the wide open 60 seconds later....
And he causeth all… to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads…..F THAT!!!!
Wouldn't it be easier to sue and get more money?Well well well...
who could have seen this coming?
The Navy's Offering Up to $115,000 to Join or Come Back
The Navy is offering potential recruits a new, eye-watering figure in exchange for joining its ranks: $115,000 in possible bonuses and loan repayment.www.military.com