Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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These Mass Murderers need to be prosecuted found guilty and executed publicly. Also those in Government and the Military that pushed this or allowed this to happen. Or provided funding. Fauci is now recreating the Spanish Flu....


Milton is wrong here

Producers do obviously impact inflation

If, via regulation or self interest, producers decide or must produce less, that will lead to inflation

The bankers and financiers control the producers so they are able to increase the money supply and sabotage production to increase prices and devalue the currency

It's a rather powerful combination towards centralization of wealth and power
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You nor I have any idea what these people put in those vaccines

There is the concept of the vaccine and then there are the institutions involved responsible for development, testing, production and evaluation

You are out of your mind to trust any vax at this point

I understand I might be throwing the baby out with the bath water as there may be some that make sense from a cost/benefit standpoint

But because the bodies involved are purely diabolical at this point, no jabs for me
I think he’s right. The same team that fabricated the whole Russia hoax did the raid. This is cya because they don’t want it out and if they get him jailed awesome
Add to that all of the Admiral Rogers and Rosemary Collyer - reported NSA database search illegal abuse. If I recall correctly, back on the OG Vegas thread there was a published list of folks who were illegally searching for intel on those data bases before Rogers shut it down. Lots of Susan Rice, but I believe, then VP Joe Biden himself shows up on that list.

The reason they conjured up the Steele Dossier and went to the FISA court to get permission to spy on Carter Page (and two hop to anyone in the Trump campaign) was that data base access getting shut the F down.

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Abandon and ignore the msm and all the absurd characters in this psychodrama

Build a new local food, water, electricity

Free ourselves of income/property tax

Back to the fields, farms, churches, small communities

Voting gop is suicide. We are our own eagles

Seems more of a feminine trait to place your hopes in other men, especially those who are here to destroy you

What's your a man, vote gop! Lol

We don't vote our way out of this depravity


Bottom line ...

Almost all Mitch McConnell's primary candidates were crushed by Trump endorsed candidates - so the coward backstabbing baby is trying to throw the Senate midterms.
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I wonder if Trump gets re elected if he has learned his lesson. And declassifies and opens up all the files on Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons etc. All of it to the public. And ends the CIA and the FBI etc.
I'm getting the jab so that I can tweet that I have tested positive for the flu but am thankful that I was jabbed or would have been much worse.
But seriously, I have not decided if I'll get a flu shot this year or not. Probably will. It is designed as a true vaccine in that a small amount of actual chopped up virus is injected to help your body create an immune response to help prevent infection. I am also not trying to convince anyone to get it or not. I got a flu shot last year and still got the flu. It sucked. I also work in an environment where I have a high probability of being exposed. As we both stated, it does not always work due virus mutations. Some years it works better than others:
From a WebMD article(
Because flu viruses mutate constantly and the vaccine wears off over time, you can’t get vaccinated once and expect to be covered for years, as you can with other diseases. The vaccine must be changed each year, in hopes of matching the ever-mutating viruses. And that’s been a challenge. On average, it’s been 40% effective, meaning it’s prevented illness 40% of the time. Since health officials started tracking it in 2003, effectiveness has varied from year to year, ranging from a low of 10% in 2004-05 to a high of 60% in 2010-11.
If you are a healthy person, why get it? I’m in my late 40’s and have never had a flu shot. Not have I ever had the flu that I know of. I have been sick of course, but I have never tested positive for the flu. Maybe I am lucky,

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