Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Now they’re saying the affidavit sought information about the US Air Force training Ukrainians on American drones. So of course you know what the spin will be on that
Jordan Sather


The company name is called Konnech Inc., an election management co. based in Michigan - Gregg & Catherine said they stumbled across databases and software that linked this company directly into the CCP, and there was a load of information about American election systems located on servers based in Wuhan, China. After finding out about this and going to the authorities, they were threatened. Now they want We the People to help them expose this story since the FBI is too compromised to do anything

The information heard today should anger every American regardless of political view.

Why would China fight the USA, when you can buy it through our elections?

More to come

Stay (Tuned)

Watch a show called dope sick on Hulu it's about OxyContin
Big Pharma selling drugs like crack

Really good show
Just reminding me somethings never change

The FDA and big Pharma working together to fuck over America
I actually had a couple friends that died from that drug

It’s pretty obvious to me companies like this had A major role to play with Covid and made fortunes .


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1660447081345.pngObama's new Presidential Library

True story. Knew a tradesman years back, who had started out in a sawmill in the bush.
He said the owner was a tough old crusty SOB who had no time for lazy people or BS.
When the old guy would fire somebody. Usually with cause.
He would simply say. "Look you are not working out for me. Get on the next truck leaving camp, and go home and eat your old man's potatoes."

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